Who says NO NEED milk teeth treated?
Is mistaken if you think that milk teeth do not need treatment. Milk teeth is a good embryo teeth healthy and orderly.
Milk teeth, often called baby teeth, while teeth, or teeth desidui, 20 pieces arranged respectively in the 10 fruit jaw up and down.
Many parents think that the milk teeth less important, because temporary and will be replaced by permanent teeth, which in normal circumstances will be forever in the oral cavity. In fact, given the mistaken assumption that the role and function of milk teeth are very important.
Function of milk teeth
1. To obtain in order to help facilitate digestion and absorption of vitamin food. This is very important considering the children are the active period of growth and development.
2. Activities will chew stimulate jawbone growth.
parents should 'give an example and teach children how to properly digest food that is done on both sides of the jaw (right and left) to stimulate bone growth to balanced. When children chew berkebiasaan only one side of the jaw, and the side that rarely looked more exhausted than the dirty side often chew.
3. Defending room in the dental arch as the preparation of the growth of permanent teeth at the same time determine the direction of the growth of replacement teeth. For example molar milk have two roots; between the two lies the root of a tooth replacement, teeth seeds. The direction of the growth of replacement teeth will be in line with the direction of the road or date of milk teeth.
When the milk teeth because of a forced revoked before the time, the teeth located in front of or behind the move to place former dental revoked. This resulted in shortage of space for dental permanennya soon. Tooth replacement work will lose direction. Impact, tooth replacement, and a growing crowd direction.
4. Role in sounding certain letters. Loss or severe damage to the teeth can cause a series of difficulties pronouncing the letters, such as M, V, S, Z, Th. However, can be corrected after the replacement tooth appears.
5. Aesthetics. When the milk teeth well have a contribution to maintain aesthetics; appearance children more farcical, more interesting, and more healthy if they smile with the teeth intact and clean.
When milk teeth grow?
Many mothers feel worried if the baby was 6 months of age have not had a tooth. The growing teeth affected many things, among others, pregnancy and birth history, whether the baby is born with enough age and length of the body weight of a normal, health history and nutritional status of infants.
According to the research, and premature or low birth weight, slower growth of teeth. Infants with less nutritional status, hampered the growth of teeth, because it related to the growth of teeth and jaw bones, as part of the growth of children in general.
Milk teeth marks on the baby will grow generally preceded by:
excessive secretion of saliva sometimes to dampen clothes
children tend to want to enter the fingers of your hand into the mouth
children appear nervous, fretful, sometimes decreased appetite. This is due to pain in the gum because tertembus grow new teeth.
Gums where the growth of teeth appear more red color than surrounding areas. Pain, stimulates saliva secretion overfishing. This is useful, because the saliva contained components that are antibakteri to help clean the mouth cavity, thus reducing the possibilities of infection. When gums in the region is touched by the growth of dental finger feels better, looks white, accompanied by a form of teeth that will grow.
Events growing milk teeth are a natural process that does not disrupt the health of children, unless there are other things happening disruption of health. The need to be skeptical of oral cavity hygiene and children's finger.
Enter something into the mouth is part of the process of development of children; should not are hampered. The need to be considered is the security and hygiene goods that enter with no injury other words, and bring germs into the mouth of the causes of infection. Berkonsultasilah with doter children and dentist regularly to monitor and encourage children, including teeth.
8 steps to a small milk teeth healthy
1. Quality teeth formation and determined since the age of 6 weeks fetus in the womb. Maternity Feed enough calcium and protein, generally the growth of baby teeth and bones well.
2. Control group, among other foods that contain sugar and stick to the teeth are not cleaned, which will cause damage to teeth.
3. Should always clean up any remaining food children eat out or drink sweet.
4. Clean teeth and gums of infants with cotton / netting, which will be sterile water. Gosoklah slowly postwar Word and fed.
5. For children who have been able to hold a toothbrush, tooth brush and create an atmosphere of fun, although ultimately help parents still needed.
6. Bimbing children brush teeth with the toothbrush for children that are available in many leading stores. In fact, there are toothbrushes "gradually" from the initial teething to complete milk teeth. Use water to cook kumur to secure if swallowed. Help children holding the brush so that he can wipe the inside and back with a comfortable and safe, not hurt the cheek and gum at the time the brush moved.
7. Under 4 years of age should not use toothpaste, is feared will be merged.
8. Introduction toothpaste can be done when children have been clever gargle, with the supervision of tacky. Give examples of how to gargle the motive kumuran and removing the hard, not only issued from the mouth.