Often, mothers have to work dilemma between the wish to provide breast milk exclusively to give the baby milk formula. By reason of klair milk ibuk working mothers choose to give to baby milk formula.
Described here about how we can manage the milk with various types of tools. With little trouble soon the mother and child can benefit the most.
Extort milk useful for:
- Provide food BBLR
- Remove the dam
- Maintain the supply of milk when the mother's pain
- Leave milk for babies
- Or when the mother went to work
- Eliminate seepage milk
A. Extort milk by hand
All mothers should learn extort milk. Can begin to learn the mother during pregnancy and can be implemented immediately after birth. Rack with hand tools do not require that a woman can do it anywhere, anytime. Rack easily be done by hand when the breast is soft. More difficult when the breast is more terbendung and pain.
B. How to extort milk by hand
Prepare the cup, glass or bowl that is very clean. Wash with soap and water with a dry tissue / towel clean. Pour boiling water into the cup and leave for several minutes. When you are ready to extort milk, remove water from the cup.
Wash hands thoroughly with
Place the cups on the table or hold hands with one another to accommodate the water ibuP milk.
Body leaning forward and prop breast with the hand
Place the thumb on the areola around the nipple and areola on the index finger below the nipple.
Massage thumb and index finger into the chest wall.
Now massage areola behind the nipple between finger and thumb. Mother must squeeze sine laktiferus under the areola.
Press and off, press and loose. In the beginning there was no milk out, but after some time considered, milk has started. milk can also shoot out of reflex when active.
PERAS areola in the same way from all sides to make sure that your milk from the breast all segments.
Do not squeeze the nipple itself. Avoid finger along the nipple.
Pressing or nipple can not extort milk. This is the same thing happens when the baby suck from the nipple alone.
* Extort milk for babies or sick BBLR
Mother must wring as much milk each time you need to be breast-fed babies. For BBLR is 8 or more times a day.
It is important to rack and as often as possible to maintain the supply of milk. When the mother's milk extort more than a baby needed, water ibuP milk can be given for another baby whose mother can not wring enough, or give the BBLR that his mother has not been out of milk.
* To maintain the supply of milk when the mother or baby is sick
Mother must rack breast milk as possible and as often as desired baby. Give the baby if possible.
* Eliminate dam
Peraslah as often as possible and necessary to remain comfortable breast and nipple kelenturan maintain suction for the baby. Some mothers may need to wring every time before breastfeeding. On the other mothers may only need to rack one or two times a day. Some mothers get that warm compress or gently massage to help milk flow.
* Eliminate penetesan milk
Extort milk enough to reduce the pressure on the breast. No need to extort milk once more.
C. Pump electricity
Electric pump breast milk more efficient and suitable for use in the hospital. However, all the pumps easily bring infection. This is very dangerous when more
from a mother to use the same pump.
D. How to warm bottles
This is a useful technique to remove the dam, especially when the breast is very painful and tense nipple.
How to use the technique of warm bottle is:
- Search big bottles (for example, the size of 1 liter, 700 ml, or 3 liters) with a wide neck (if possible).
- Ask family for a number of warm water and fill with hot water bottles. Leave a few minutes to warm glass bottles.
- Bungkus bottle with a cloth and dispose of hot water.
- Dinginkan neck and enter into the nipple to touch the skin around them closely.
- Hold the bottle is strong, after a few minutes bottles freeze and cause drag it will be interesting soft nipple.
- Feel warm help of reflex, and milk began to flow and soak up the bottle. Sometimes when a woman first felt the pull, he will be shocked and interesting bottles.
So must be put again in hot water bottles and start again.
- After some time, reduced pain in the breast and rack with the hand or suction can be done.