We know that breastfeeding in the early breastfeeding be made?
In the first day post-childbirth, breastfeeding made by the organs begin production of breastmilk.
In the days of the first page, the production of breastmilk page is not determined how many of my breastfed issued.
After a few days later, the production of breastmilk is determined from how much I spent breastfeeding (dg better ways fed or pumped).
Organ breastmilk production will start to reduce the production of breastfeeding according to the number of infants needs dg (I spent many a breastfeeding).
In the first weeks, generally breastfeeding mothers will produce more than the capacity required baby (especially if both mother breastfeeding dg). In the page many mothers feel seepage or breastfeeding and breast swelling or feel full. This condition will not be long. On the page organs production breastfeeding mothers are in the process of adjustment against the required number of breastfed babies.
Then about mg to-6 months to up to 3, prolaktin's high rate will start gradually decreased until the end of the period of breastfeeding. On the page, do not feel the full breast, breastfeeding decreased seepage, let down reflex * * (breastfeeding flows) have not started, and I pumped breastmilk / perah reduced. This is normal there. Does not mean that breastfeeding decreased production.
Is the content changed my mind every minute?
Many mothers may not understand that breastfeeding is always changed from time to time.
In the minute early breastfeeding, breastfeeding is rich in protein, low fat, tends to "thin". Breastfeeding is working on the opening / remover
thirsty. FOREMILK called.
Meanwhile, in the rich menit2 last breastfed tend to be fat and thick. Breastfed babies will be filling the main good food. Breastfeeding is called HINDMILK.
When breastfeeding mothers can not distinguish exactly between foremilk and hindmilk. Changes foremilk-hindmilk run very slowly.
According to the Research Group Peter Hartmann said that more empty breasts, the higher the fat content in breastfeeding.
Is breastfeeding made before or fed to the baby afterwards?
One thing's certain that breastfeeding is produced each time. Including before, during and after the baby suckle. Among the other to suckle one, I breastfed produced will be stored in the mother's breast. Volume I breastfed stored in the breast will be more if the gap next suckle longer.
The number of breastfeeding my breasts are stored in relatively vary at every mother and NOT determined the size of the breast (although breast size can limit the capacity of the warehouse breastfeeding). Some mothers do not have the space savings and more.
However, the warehouse has a mother breastfeeding or slightly more sama2 produce enough for breastfeeding my baby. Mother has a warehouse I breastfed many have a relatively gap with the breastfeeding time longer than the mother has a warehouse less breastfeeding.
Is breastfeeding will be empty from the breast after the baby's mother Word?
Many people think that the way my mind works the same gallon of water ie (Dispenser water). Once empty the contents, then he needs to be filled before the baby suckle back again. This is not how to work the production of breastmilk. Breastfeeding produced every time. Breastfeeding will never be out of 100%, although the baby has suckle on the breast page.
Research proves lactation, the baby will not spend all the stock of breastfeeding in the breast. Jumah I breastfed drunk depending on the appetite for food. Generally, the volume of breastfeeding the baby's drunk by the relatively ranged from 75-80% 100% stock of breastfeeding in the breast. In simple words, imagine the following illustration. Clear my mind from the same breast good deplete the river. Something impossible to do. Because breastfeeding will continue to flow while breastfeeding itself issued.
Lactation research also shows that more empty breasts, the more quickly produce breast breastfeeding. The more & drink often breastfed babies, breastfeeding produced more quickly. So do not think breastfeeding / coach / perah good "drinking water from the suction cups dg, so will be reduced and empty." But imagine if we drink water from dg using suction cups. Then, at the same time, water dituang slowly into the glass. The sooner we drink, the more quickly the water in the glass dituang page. So roughly we can spend in the water glass page? Of course not
! Likewise, breastfeeding made. Breastfeeding will never dry or empty from the breast, although the baby has finished suckle. Many mothers I did not understand this. Many also feel that breastfeeding mothers need to be rechargeable. As a result, mothers often happens wait until I feel full of new payudaranya fed to the baby.
Even this can cause the production of breastfeeding so slow.