Infant signs tired, cold and heat
To view the above three is not easy, but if we already know the characteristics, so easy, tut. Faced a baby, parents are often confused and made serbasalah. Parties, the baby can not reveal what he feels or what he wanted with the language we understand. They can only cry or behave exacting keeper, if I cry and popoknya not wet, so we suspect he was hungry or simply spoiled. Even not necessarily, lo. He can only weep with cold, swelter, or kecapekan. As recognized dr. Anna Tjandrajani, Sp.A. We hope the RSAB from,
, Not many people know the characteristics of infant cold, swelter, or kecapekan. "However, if we know the characteristics, so easily, lo, mendeteksinya." To that end, he is willing reveal "secret" to us.
BAYI swelter
We also often incorrectly detect the body temperature of children increases. Became sick, I know I swelter. The cause of the children swelter, according to Anna, is more influenced environmental factors, such as lack of ventilation, the weather outside is fierce, narrow room, or light into the room excessive.
* Characteristics:
1. Children begin restlessness.
2. Skin children start or milk from the previous melegam.
3. Sweaty, in the forehead, head, and the armpit. Shirts are also wet.
4. Skin in other parts of the body so dry.
5. Also dry lips.
* Handling:
If not quickly addressed, children may experience dehydration. This is the step-by-step handling:
1. Keep children from the heat source, and dinginkan air space. If you are under the blazing sun, shelter flee. If you are in a room closed to less ventilation, for example, in the car that is not air conditioned, call the child out of the vehicle.
2. Remove the blanket of children. Also, babies should not dibedong. "Takutnya, because dibedong familiar, so when all things that cover the body removed, even children's quiver." If it is happening, waspadalah. Perhaps, the temperature rise is a fever.
3. Pakaikan baby clothes that are suitable for tropical climate, such as cotton or materials that absorb perspiration. Change your clothes as soon as the baby wet by sweat.
4. After that, measuring the temperature with a thermometer children. If the results show the number 36-37,5 degrees Celsius, meaning he is still normal. If more than 37.5 degrees Celsius, the possibility of child fever. If up to 39 degrees Celsius mean he has high fever, especially if up to 40 degrees Celsius more, so he can experience hipertermia. .
5. To distinguish sick with pain, how the work is with children feel the body, whether body temperature equal to or higher than our body. "But this is still not guaranteed. Most appropriate, with the thermometer measure," Anna anjur.
We also need to know the characteristics of infants who experience fatigue. Usually this happens when the quality of sleep less, too often digendong, or too old to play. According to Anna, mostly children, which kecapekan will sleep with itself. However, it can be seen in a more holistic approach.
* Characteristics:
1. Fussy baby. When asked after the walk and diteteki still choosy, so be it children kecapekan. Tenangkan by making him comfortable, so that she can fall asleep with a crush. He may also find a place to sleep.
2. Stare glassy eyes, not exuberant, or wither. However, according to Anna, this feature does not always guarantee that the baby is kecapekan. So he can be sick. Therefore, our children really understand it well. Always check the physical condition and body temperature, including fesesnya. If we are suspicious, Thank you take to the doctor. Should remember, too often kecapekan will lower the body's resistance and then invite the disease.
BAYI cold
* Features-features on the new born baby / neonatus
1. Children shiver, even though this feature is usually not easily visible on the small baby.
2. Children visible skin mottled, red and white or mixed-spot relief spot.
3. Children appear apathetic or just silent.
4. Further, children of blue that can be seen on the lips and fingertips-finger.
5. If this still left, the child can stop breathing.
6. Top, children can be affected hipotermia and died. However, parents need not worry too. Usually, the first indication can be seen by nurses and doctors who deal with then take action penghangatan or heatradian (disinar by lamplight normal and covered). If you need to use the mattress penghangat. "Even so, to ensure that, should the baby directly measured body temperature with the thermometer. If the figure below 35 degrees Celsius, meaning that children affected hipotermia of the normal human temperature is 36-37,5 degrees Celsius," said Anna.
* For babies over 1 month
Even if the baby is now stronger than before, if the temperature is so low and the environment does not make them comfortable, most likely the child is also cold. Characteristics, according to Anna, that can be detected in kasat eyes, there is also a must with the palpability.
1. That can be detected in kasat eyes: the baby condition is not much different from the baby neonatus the cold.
1. He tended to dwell only.
2. Children visible skin mottled, red and white or mixed-berbercak spot.
3. Children with a characteristic blue, lips and fingertips-blue finger. If left, the child can stop breathing. Top, children can experience hipotermia. If not immediately addressed, death can occur. "Only if the baby will be faster neonatus blue. Meanwhile, the baby greater changes will be long," said Anna.
2. That can be detected with the palpability
1. Hands and the hands feel cold, as well as the legs.
2. More bodies from the body's cold. To confirm it, check with a thermometer that is placed in the anus. The cold is built with a blanket. Too warm or room temperature environment in which babies are. Can turn off the AC or heat the body with 60 watt lamp placed on one. The distance is less than 1.5 meters from the body of the child. Well, children with affection, "Even this is the best way," said a doctor who also practice in the Clinic How Cinere. However, when sleep better with the children into the light. Far better if children are using the mattress penghangat. If the body temperature is never normal, once I take to the nearest doctor.