The frequency that often means not pencernaannya disrupted. Beware when the color white or accompanied by blood. Activities defecate on the baby sometimes make parents worry. Colors, shapes and patterns that vary with adults is often cause an emergency. Before we become afraid, the following explanation from. Waldi Nurhamzah, Sp.A, Feces can serve on the baby.
Generally, the colors in the feces of infants can be yellow or brown, green, red, and white or grayish. Normal or not the baby's digestive system, can be detected colors from the feces.
Yellow indicated Feces can serve as normal. Waldi words, the color Feces can serve baby milk is affected by the dikomsumsinya.
"When the baby to drink exclusively breastfed, tinjanya more brightly colored and bright yellow or dominated, so-called golden feces. Breastfeeding means they are full, from foremilk (breastfeeding front) to hindmilk (breastmilk back)."
Yellow arising from the process of digestion of fat, which is assisted by liquid bile. Liquid bile made in the liver and saved some time in the gall bladder to the time spent.
When the fat found in the gut that comes from food, gall bladder will berkontraksi (minimize size) to extort cairannya out. Bile liquid fat will be split into substances that can be absorbed intestine.
Meanwhile, when a drunk milk formula, breastfeeding or mixed milk formula, the color Feces can serve will be more dark, such as yellow, dark, slightly brown, brown, yellow, brown or brown greenery.
Feces can serve the green category also includes normal. Nevertheless, the color can not be continuously displayed. "This means that the way breastfeeding mothers to give it not correct. Inhaled by the baby only foremilk only, while hindmilk it is not." Such cases generally occur if the production of breastmilk is very abundant.
In the payudaranya, breastfeeding mothers have a future (foremilik) and the back of my mind hindmilk). At the time the baby suckle, it will always suck in front of more breastmilk first. This section has more content laktosa sugar and fat but low. That are easily absorbed and quickly make babies often hungry again. Meanwhile, breastfeeding back (hindmilk) will be inhaled when the foremilk out earlier has been exhausted.
Hindmilk contain more fat. "Fat is making a yellow feces."
Now, if only to get the baby foremilk, which contains slightly more fat and sugar, sometimes changes occur in the digestive process, which ultimately make Feces can serve baby green. Even often also formed from gas that there is too much (wind only), so that babies do not feel comfortable (kolik).
We should have a good hold is not green, but yellow, green, yellow and green, alternately. "This means that breastfed babies get the complete, from foremilk to hindmilk complete nutrient value to the content. Now, the mother must strive to get the baby foremilk and hindmilk at once."
Unfortunately, in addition to breastfeeding, mothers also often provide additional milk formula. Before the process menyusunya reached hindmilk, his children were given milk formula to expire. As a result, he only received breastmilk only foremilk.
Waldi suggest, "Give exclusively breastfed. Improve Management to develop a baby can get foremilk and hindmilk." Kiatnya easy; susui baby with one breast to breastfeeding out there, a new move to the next bust.
Red dirt on the baby can be due to accompany a drop of blood. However, the doctor will see, whether it is caused red blood from the body itself or from his mother.
If the baby suck the blood of the mother was in the process of childbirth, in the fesesnya will be found that is a black spot of blood.
Generally, it appears spot for one to three days. "So, be it live, originally from where? From the blood of the mother or the baby's blood." When blood is still appearing on fesesnya (can be liquid or clotted), and it is not derived from maternal blood, the need to be examined further. Only two probable, that is allergic to milk formula if the baby has been acquired, and the stoppage in the intestine called the
invaginasi. Both need treatment. If it invaginasi, the baby must be immediately operated.
"Blood is rarely comes from dysentery amuba or basiler, because baby food,
, And not many ragamnya not eat food that dirty. "If a serious illness, usually infants also have other complaints, such as stomach bulge or strain, vomiting, fever, pain and tendentious.
The white / Keabua-abuan
Feces can serve beware immediately if a new born baby yellow or pale grayish white. Both the liquid or solid. Color white showing the most disruption risk. Can be caused by interference on a channel or a liver bile. "This means that the liquid dye can not empedunya feces, and this can not happen because of the 'red light'." Waldi assert, when the baby until the feces white, then it must also be taken to a doctor. Do not delay until probably thinking weeks because no serious problems that must be completed before the baby is three months. As a first step, doctors generally will be in the hearts and USG empedunya channel.
"What often happens, the mother brought her baby, too late. Feces To this will be changed. Even if the left, and brought a new baby to the doctor after the age of three months, when the baby is not scotfree again because generally have experienced damage hearts. options live liver transplant, which is still the treatment measures that are very expensive in
Feces can serve two infants in the first days after childbirth are usually shaped like a soggy pitch or asphalt. Substance is derived from exile digestion, which brought the baby from the womb. After that, Feces can serve baby can gather blob-like jelly, dense, seedless / seeded and can also form liquids.
Feces can serve babies that are given exclusive breastfeeding is usually not the form, such as pasta can / beige, seeds (seeded), and can also like diarrhea / liquid. Feces can serve while baby milk formula given the solid form, clotted-cob or slightly viscous and merongkol / round. Its not that baby milk formula, sometimes like bebelan (difficult to defecate, Red), while that does not get breastmilk.
When the baby is drinking formula milk to liquid form Feces can serve, it should be suspected. "But the baby allergic to milk or formula that dikonsumsinya milk was contaminated, which disrupt the intestinal bacteria."
Difficulty to detect normal Feces can serve will not happen if mothers breastfed, which gives all-cross formula milk. For example, it is difficult to determine whether Feces can serve the liquid / diarrhea that comes from breastmilk or formula milk.
"If I drink because mencretnya breastfeeding, normal-normal pencernaannya only because the system is not perfect. Fixed susui baby so he did not experience dehydration. Mencretnya But when accompanied by complaints of fever, vomiting, or other complaints, and the number is and how many, it means there are problems with the baby. He should be immediately taken to the doctor.
Problems often worrisome frequency of the mother, because of the frequency CHAPTER baby is not the same with adults. If the mother may be only once a day, so if their children to
times a day, this is to create panic. "
The frequency CHAPTER each baby is different. In fact, the same baby, the frequency of its Section will be different this week and in future weeks.
"That's because the baby has not been found that fit the pattern. Generally, in the four or
The first week, the day may be more than
times or six times. Baseball problem, for good growth. "
Babies who drink exclusive breastfeeding, and vice versa can not CHAPTER for two to four days. Can even seven days once. It means not experiencing interference constipation, but it can only because there is no food waste that must be removed. Everything can be absorbed properly. Feces can serve out after it must also remain normal, such as pasta. No liquid with many mucus, or smelly and accompanied by fever and decrease the weight of the baby.
"So the important see growth, whether the children are not fussy, and good drink. If not three days CHAPTER, and the baby anteng-anteng course, it may be premature CHAPTER