Be careful not directly carrying. Make sure that the first condition, how?
Infancy is a period prone to accident. When he was studying whether the roll of parents and unguarded, he could drop from the bed. For those handling the management of cases the baby drop is needed. That, while the small drop, not only about the head only, because all the members of the body have the same risk to experience the impact that can membahayakannya.
Here's the explanation from. Anna Tjandra, Sp.A from RSAB Harapan Kita,
the management of accidents in the simple, namely:
* Two children fell directly.
- Note which parts of the body that impact children.
- Remember the fall, whether menghujam directly to the floor or hit something new to the first floor.
- Make sure how many meters in height from children and the media fall into place what pendaratannya.
- See note and in good condition so small. Whether directly after the fall weeping and, move all menggerak-member body? If yes, we can direct to tote
menenangkannya. After he was calm, do a new observation.
- The observation that needs to be done is:
Search and remember the part where the bruising / bump / bruise on the baby all the members of the body. If you find benjolan in the head or a bruise on the body, can be treated with drugs antitrauma oles. If the head is not found bruising or bruised, but when the baby is crying, he larikan immediately to the nearest hospital.
Try to move the second hand baby, to the side, above, below, to the front, and rentangkan and lift-lift. If there are complaints in hand make sure that where and when in a position like that. As the material for this was reported to the doctor.
Do the same thing on foot.
Tengokkan baby head to the right and left. Try dekatkan chin to chest the baby slowly. If there are complaints recorded in the report as a doctor.
Swing a small body to the left and right. If there are complaints recorded and reported to the doctor.
- Observation needs to be done for 2 × 24 hours. If within that, there are complaints, especially to gush with vomiting, larikan immediately to the nearest hospital.
- When the other after falling unconscious in the circumstances but passive (especially not move menggerak-member body) do not mengangkatnya. UGD contact the nearest hospital or 118 to ask for the help of paramedics. Among the conditions in this risk can be fatal.
* If I have found on the floor.
- Consider a baby; knowingly or not, crying or not, can move menggerak-member body or not. If he is not conscious or aware but passive, do not mind carrying, but immediately requested assistance nearest paramedics, UGD or 118.
- Note in a position like what I found when.
If the situation in the prone possible amount of security. But we have to check around the shoulder, both hands, chest and legs. How to move the hands to the top, front, side. If there are complaints of pain immediately take to the doctor.
If the situation in the recumbent. Check the region and note the back of the head, neck, spine and pelvis, ranging from bruising or red alert, to the complaint pain when touched and moved as mentioned above. Make sure the baby does not vomit or experience a decrease in the awareness of 2 × 24 hours. If there are complaints larikan immediately to the doctor.
If the baby was found in the sloping position, right or left.
Note and check the head, which became the focus of the body, legs also. Make checks as mentioned above. If there are complaints larikan immediately to the doctor.
If found in a sitting position. Check and make sure the baby is still conscious, usually crying, and able to coerce members of the body.
Check the panggulnya, there is no sign of a bruise, red, or sick time held or moved. If yes larikan immediately to the doctor.
* Checking the other needs to be done, the position of any breakdown in the small, do not forget to check the eye. Good use flashlights:
While we still bereaksikah flashlight eyes, mengedip, close her eyes or shocked. If it does not immediately take the child to the hospital.
Movement flashlight to the right and left, still follow the movement id baby rays. If not, he should immediately dilarikan to the hospital.
Note pupil's eyes, whether the pupil eyes right and left that same big / small flashlight on one by one. If the same we can breathe free. If not, babies need to undergo further examination, such as CT scans.
- Measure and make sure the small fall from a height does. For the higher rent
gravity earth may be more interesting strong children. Of effects caused any increase.
Below the possibilities that can occur when the baby fell. With this knowledge parents can be expected to understand the condition when the baby fell and able to perform the first true:
* If the head hit the first floor
In the next any impact that occurred during still in the head, we need to mewaspadainya. Baby's skull bones are still fragile and yet he has a reflex to keep the good. Possibility that can happen, baby experiencing fraktur or cracked / broken bones of the skull, or bleeding in or outside the skull in the skull.
Bleeding on the outside can be marked with the bump / bruise. During the fraktur no, it can be said that this condition is not serious. Rabalah ubun-ubunnya whether or not menjendol. The crown menjendol a sign of increasing pressure in the brain that can occur because of bleeding or a brain ederma.
Please note, if not found benjolan / bruised, but the baby crying (or do not cry and fall asleep), is not self sadarkan, kejang/muntah- experienced vomiting (which is not a spurt gumoh), baby experiencing some suspicion bleeding in the skull of his head. Larikan immediately to the nearest hospital.
* If the chest first, which hit the surface
Mendaratnya even if the place, the possibility of the risk of injury to infants less. Conversely, where the ground is not smooth or that there are bulge right leads to the chest can cause fraktur / rib bones or severe side patahannya which can be about organ lungs, or it. To see whether it's a small breathing can be normal or not.
Generally, if the chest first, the "land", will naturally make the protection of hands first. Because it also check the condition of the hands and shoulders of the baby. Is there a circle broken hand experience or is there a joint exit (dislocation) of the place. Check also the head, especially the forehead. Usually, when landed, even though the chest first, the head hit the floor immediately follow.
* If the pelvis first landed
The baby will likely experience dislocation fraktur or pelvis. Because the pelvis directly related to spinal feared that there nerves that bind. If the foot of the wall nerve poppet usually can not animate aliased legs paralyzed.
* If the landed feet first
Characters on each baby can be different. If he can stand will hold his body with foot and fell bersimpuh. Risk cases is dislocation or sprain. In infants under 6 months although not able to keep his body, the body naturally baby will drop to the front and landed before hand will be a bumper.
* If the land back ahead
Dangerous because of a direct relation with the spine and can lead to broken vertebrae in the baby. Another risk, if any nerves that bind can lead to paralysis. The baby was found in the drop position such as this do not digendong. Let the paramedics who helped conduct. But if I can be aware and active, we can directly carrying.
* If the first landed back
Become a danger if the land involved in the neck position terlipat / bending because it can lead to strained neck bones and fraktur. When the baby is not aware of the circumstances do not try mengangkatnya. The steps that we can do is ask for help from paramedics at the UGD in the hospital or 911.