Caring for babies is not easy. Here are some things that parents can be related to efforts to treat the baby, so that the process of growing kembangnya running optimally.
1. Place the baby in the chest at birth
According to Dr. Hardiono Pusponegoro, Sp.A (K), a new born baby should immediately be put in the mother's chest. "Do not wherefore first," said a doctor from the Clinic How this. In the video, which was presented by a lactation consultant, Dr. Utami Roesli, Sp.A (K), ICBLC, the baby will find the nipple mother shortly after birth and placed in the chest. At that time, the baby will suck up breastfeeding even though breastfeeding is not yet out. Suction the baby would stimulate the production of breastmilk. Babies are not breastfed reversals in the first 30 minutes after birth, menyusunya capacity will be down.
2. No throwing out the first breastfeeding
The yellow color out of my mind the first time can not be removed. Breastfeeding called colostrums this protein and contains immune substances (antibodies) that will protect the baby, so the stronger the disease.
3. No breastfeeding casserole
"I like milk formula, breastfeeding is never trite," said Dr. Caroline Mulawi, Sp.A (K). The mother because the case can not breastfeed her baby in some time, need not hesitate to breastfeed her baby again. The quality of breastmilk provided at the time as well as the first exit.
4. Infants who were given breastmilk more easily hungry
The nature of breastfeeding easy to make babies faster hungry. Babies who are breastfed get drunk more often about 1-3 hours at a time. When the weight babies given breastmilk continues to increase, a sign the baby is enough to get food. Do not give solid food prematurely, not to cause sumbatan in the intestine that could be fatal. Baby's digestive system is not perfect it until the age of 4 months.
5. Do not boil breastfeeding saved
Working mothers breastfeeding can rack and store in a sterile bottle. Each vial that breastfeeding should be written the date and hour extortion. Breastfeeding stored in a freezer can hold between 2 weeks to 4 months. At room temperature breastfeeding during 4-8 hours, while in the refrigerator to survive about 24-48 hours.
Giving breastfeeding is done with the method first in first out. Breastfeeding incoming refrigerators or freezers first, that should come out first. When would be given, breastfeeding should not be heated by microwave heating or because the substances contained in breastmilk can be damaged. To my mind, which is in the refrigerator, should rendam bottles in the vessel containing warm water until breastfeeding is not cold anymore. Given the new baby.
Meanwhile, for breastfeeding stored in freezers, should be moved first to the refrigerator to thaw. Once it into the new vessel containing the hot water.
6. Baby crying
Crying is a baby how to communicate with the people around him.
Babies cry not only because of hunger. Can be as wet as a result of popoknya urinate or defecate. It is also because the position of the Word that is not true, so do not get breastmilk in the right amount.
Cry baby, according to Dr. Caroline from the Omni Medical Center Hospital, also it can be a pain. In the first 2-3 months, for example, babies often suffer from colic kolik or unknown causes. "Usually the symptoms diminish after the age of three months," he said. Can also cry because of a fever. If that happens, immediately take the baby to the doctor.
Crying is a baby can be a way to attract the attention of other people, especially mother and his father. Maybe he wants to get the embrace and affection from parents. Parents should not let the baby cry too long because the baby will be tired and ability menyusunya reduced. The mother can also be frustrated and peeved, so the result can be bad for the psychological development of infants.
When the baby crying, the mother or father can hold and while menimangnya hum, put the baby in the car, then call the streets outside the room, or putarkan soft music. If the mother is tired, nurse or ask other people to help hold the baby. For, increasingly fretful danfrustrasi the mother, the baby will be more restless and cry more.
7. Buckle baby
Until now, still sounds mistaken perception, so the suggestion not to appear frequently carrying a baby. Worries later "the smell of hand" and be spoiled infants. This is not true. Thus many research revealed, a baby get the immediate attention after crying, either with or ditimang is approached, will grow into a strong personal emotional. He later became the independent and more confident.
Conversely, babies who do not get the attention and kept crying for too long, while adults will be less independent private, doubter, or do not have confidence that strong.
8. Compress warm water
Provide drinking more often is very helpful to reduce fever, plus medicine for a fever. To compress better if the baby with warm water.
Dr. explained. Caroline, some research shows, warm compress more beneficial in lowering fever compress than cold water.
Mengompres Do not worry because the alcohol poisoning. If the fever still
and the high increases immediately take the baby to the doctor.
9. Babies often defecate
Infants who have breastfed initially fesesnya tend to be rather like seeds and liquid-seed. Frequency can be 4-6 times a day. However, at the age of 1-2 months, rekuensinya can be reduced to 4-6 days once. No need to worry these conditions will remain calm for the baby, not fussy, is not recognized, no vomiting continuously, and Feces can serve not hard. This condition is due to breastfeeding more absorbed intestine and take longer to be as Feces can serve.
Feces can serve infants aged 2-3 months will start berampas. Just above the age of 4 months, Feces can serve began to form. It is important, added Dr. Caroline, Feces can serve baby does not change the form of a liquid without grounds or accompanied by blood. When this occurs, the baby should be immediately taken to the doctor. Similarly, when the baby is not more than 6 CHAPTER day.
10. Consider this small
In the age of two months, babies can respond properly when the talk by the mother or the father. In the age of three months, while the second hand baby lifted slowly picked up to join the body, must take up the neck. "When the neck of not picked up the baby must have suspected the existence of ketidaknormalan," said Dr. Hardiono. At the age of three months a baby is not clench hands. When at the age of 4 months, babies still clench hands, 90 percent indicate the existence of the problem.
Autis classic symptoms can also be seen from this small. For example, did not respond when the baby talk, like the flail head, the size of the head tend to be larger, batita reverse the car-play tires and mobilan up to him, and preoccupied with their own world. Autis occur because of a lack of serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain. If known, and since early diterapi, under the age of 2 years, the result will be good. Will be more difficult when it is known in the new age 5, because the nerve cells have not grown longer.
11. Weight should be increased
Infants should be monitored body weight, body height, and head circumference. Results can be watched compared with relatives home at the age of the same child or other contemporaneous. Infants who do not need to remain skinny feared for weight continues to rise. Posturnya may be small indeed. Will be a problem if the weight of the baby does not rise and cut two lines percentile in the cards Towards Healthy (KMS). That can be an indication of the problem or the illness of infants, for example, the condition of malnutrition.
12. I always have to doctor
Parents, said Dr.. Hardiono, often carry the baby to the doctor when experiencing mild disease. Infant cough, runny nose, or mild diarrhea, not to be taken to the doctor. "Because 60-80 percent of the pain that occurs in infants and children can recover. Also, I should always be treated with antibiotics only if the cough-cold normal," he said.
13. Appropriate immunization schedule
Immunization is required to provide immunity for the baby. With immunization, 2.7 percent per year of death can be prevented. Some important diseases can be prevented through immunization, such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, meningitis, pneumonia, Hib, and hepatitis. So far, said Dr. Hardiono, pneumonia caused the death of children most in the world, followed by AIDS, diarrhea, tuberculosis, malaria and measles.
Basic vaccine given to infants is DPT, polio, hepatitis, Hib, measles and BCG. Range vaccination time is two months due to further enhance immunity. Effect of basic vaccines, such as high fever, convulsions, swelling and shock, is still a source of concern for parents.
Currently there is a combination vaccine 5 in 1, namely diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and Hib. Vaccine injection in combination to reduce the infant. With the combination vaccine infants rarely fever, if fever is not too high, rarely swelling, convulsions and even reduced. No need to worry, the new vaccine is currently not contain mercury.