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Oops,my teeth Grown!

The growing baby teeth to make parents happy. However, the process can distort the small.
Your baby suddenly fretful, fever, or cough-cough? Please check his mouth, especially the front of the gums. You may find two burners, which began to grow teeth.
The process of emergence of Dental
Each of waiting parents when their child's teeth begin to grow. Each child's first dental obtain the age different, but generally when a baby aged 4-6 months.
In fact, have a baby in the womb has 20 milk teeth that terkubur in the gums. Along with the increasing age of the baby, teeth, teeth will appear gradually. Preceded by the emergence of the first two teeth that grow in the middle of gum - down. Less than one month and then again two teeth grow in the upper-middle gums.
Each of the next 4-5 months to grow again two teeth in the gums and gum on the bottom. Good teeth with existing .. Growth will continue to gear up to all the milk teeth appear. Approximately at the age of the baby 22-26 months. Permanent teeth will grow at children aged about 6 years old.
When the first tooth appears that since you also have to perform dental infant care. Use gauze in the dililitkan finger to clean teeth and gusinya. In addition, check children's teeth regularly. American Dental Association recommends, dental care doctors to start when the first children's teeth begin to grow.
When I get breastmilk, Glenn will be more intact. But if the babies get the milk bottles, need extra attention. The use of bottles that are less precise and can damage the beauty of flowers growing baby teeth.
The growth of teeth marks
When parents feel happy when I grow teeth, not for the baby. The growing teeth is not the time mengenakkan. Infants may feel pain or itching when teeth grow. Pain is not as injured as a result of the gums emergence teeth. But some cells in the gums become dead and secede so teeth can appear to the outside. This condition is disebakan many movements and changes in the jawbone and teeth of the teeth will appear OF.
Due to soreness, the behavior sometimes changed the baby. Some babies become very sensitive and difficult to sleep. Unfortunately, parents often do not capture these changes as symptoms of the growth of teeth. As a guide, in general, the baby teeth are growing normally will salivate more. This is because there is excitement in his mouth.
In addition, the baby will also be pleased bite objects that are nearby. With mengigit baby can be 'forgotten' not feeling comfortable in his mouth. This behavior often trigger diarrhea because the baby often mengigit objects that are not clean.
Although rare, there is also a cough when the baby is teething. Predictably, because of the large number of saliva in the mouth. Other symptoms that are considered as a result of growth is teeth fever. Fever arising from the child's behavior changes and pain due to the growth of teeth.
You need to do when I grow teeth:
Clean mouth (teeth, gums, and tongue) baby regularly, especially after drinking milk or other sweet drinks also should eat.
Give objects that clean and safe for the baby being bitten. For example: Carrot, fruits, or teether (which can be bitten toys made of plastic and contain no toxic liquids).
When the baby can not sleep because of pain due to the growth of teeth give sedative that doctors recommended.
Try mengosok or rub baby's gums with a clean finger or a special gel pereda sore gums of infants.

Who says NO NEED milk teeth treated?

Who says NO NEED milk teeth treated?

Is mistaken if you think that milk teeth do not need treatment. Milk teeth is a good embryo teeth healthy and orderly.
Milk teeth, often called baby teeth, while teeth, or teeth desidui, 20 pieces arranged respectively in the 10 fruit jaw up and down.
Many parents think that the milk teeth less important, because temporary and will be replaced by permanent teeth, which in normal circumstances will be forever in the oral cavity. In fact, given the mistaken assumption that the role and function of milk teeth are very important.
Function of milk teeth
1. To obtain in order to help facilitate digestion and absorption of vitamin food. This is very important considering the children are the active period of growth and development.
2. Activities will chew stimulate jawbone growth.
parents should 'give an example and teach children how to properly digest food that is done on both sides of the jaw (right and left) to stimulate bone growth to balanced. When children chew berkebiasaan only one side of the jaw, and the side that rarely looked more exhausted than the dirty side often chew.
3. Defending room in the dental arch as the preparation of the growth of permanent teeth at the same time determine the direction of the growth of replacement teeth. For example molar milk have two roots; between the two lies the root of a tooth replacement, teeth seeds. The direction of the growth of replacement teeth will be in line with the direction of the road or date of milk teeth.
When the milk teeth because of a forced revoked before the time, the teeth located in front of or behind the move to place former dental revoked. This resulted in shortage of space for dental permanennya soon. Tooth replacement work will lose direction. Impact, tooth replacement, and a growing crowd direction.
4. Role in sounding certain letters. Loss or severe damage to the teeth can cause a series of difficulties pronouncing the letters, such as M, V, S, Z, Th. However, can be corrected after the replacement tooth appears.
5. Aesthetics. When the milk teeth well have a contribution to maintain aesthetics; appearance children more farcical, more interesting, and more healthy if they smile with the teeth intact and clean.
When milk teeth grow?
Many mothers feel worried if the baby was 6 months of age have not had a tooth. The growing teeth affected many things, among others, pregnancy and birth history, whether the baby is born with enough age and length of the body weight of a normal, health history and nutritional status of infants.
According to the research, and premature or low birth weight, slower growth of teeth. Infants with less nutritional status, hampered the growth of teeth, because it related to the growth of teeth and jaw bones, as part of the growth of children in general.
Milk teeth marks on the baby will grow generally preceded by:
excessive secretion of saliva sometimes to dampen clothes
children tend to want to enter the fingers of your hand into the mouth
children appear nervous, fretful, sometimes decreased appetite. This is due to pain in the gum because tertembus grow new teeth.
Gums where the growth of teeth appear more red color than surrounding areas. Pain, stimulates saliva secretion overfishing. This is useful, because the saliva contained components that are antibakteri to help clean the mouth cavity, thus reducing the possibilities of infection. When gums in the region is touched by the growth of dental finger feels better, looks white, accompanied by a form of teeth that will grow.
Events growing milk teeth are a natural process that does not disrupt the health of children, unless there are other things happening disruption of health. The need to be skeptical of oral cavity hygiene and children's finger.
Enter something into the mouth is part of the process of development of children; should not are hampered. The need to be considered is the security and hygiene goods that enter with no injury other words, and bring germs into the mouth of the causes of infection. Berkonsultasilah with doter children and dentist regularly to monitor and encourage children, including teeth.
8 steps to a small milk teeth healthy
1. Quality teeth formation and determined since the age of 6 weeks fetus in the womb. Maternity Feed enough calcium and protein, generally the growth of baby teeth and bones well.
2. Control group, among other foods that contain sugar and stick to the teeth are not cleaned, which will cause damage to teeth.
3. Should always clean up any remaining food children eat out or drink sweet.
4. Clean teeth and gums of infants with cotton / netting, which will be sterile water. Gosoklah slowly postwar Word and fed.
5. For children who have been able to hold a toothbrush, tooth brush and create an atmosphere of fun, although ultimately help parents still needed.
6. Bimbing children brush teeth with the toothbrush for children that are available in many leading stores. In fact, there are toothbrushes "gradually" from the initial teething to complete milk teeth. Use water to cook kumur to secure if swallowed. Help children holding the brush so that he can wipe the inside and back with a comfortable and safe, not hurt the cheek and gum at the time the brush moved.
7. Under 4 years of age should not use toothpaste, is feared will be merged.
8. Introduction toothpaste can be done when children have been clever gargle, with the supervision of tacky. Give examples of how to gargle the motive kumuran and removing the hard, not only issued from the mouth.

Who says NO NEED milk teeth treated?

Who says NO NEED milk teeth treated?

Is mistaken if you think that milk teeth do not need treatment. Milk teeth is a good embryo teeth healthy and orderly.
Milk teeth, often called baby teeth, while teeth, or teeth desidui, 20 pieces arranged respectively in the 10 fruit jaw up and down.
Many parents think that the milk teeth less important, because temporary and will be replaced by permanent teeth, which in normal circumstances will be forever in the oral cavity. In fact, given the mistaken assumption that the role and function of milk teeth are very important.
Function of milk teeth
1. To obtain in order to help facilitate digestion and absorption of vitamin food. This is very important considering the children are the active period of growth and development.
2. Activities will chew stimulate jawbone growth.
parents should 'give an example and teach children how to properly digest food that is done on both sides of the jaw (right and left) to stimulate bone growth to balanced. When children chew berkebiasaan only one side of the jaw, and the side that rarely looked more exhausted than the dirty side often chew.
3. Defending room in the dental arch as the preparation of the growth of permanent teeth at the same time determine the direction of the growth of replacement teeth. For example molar milk have two roots; between the two lies the root of a tooth replacement, teeth seeds. The direction of the growth of replacement teeth will be in line with the direction of the road or date of milk teeth.
When the milk teeth because of a forced revoked before the time, the teeth located in front of or behind the move to place former dental revoked. This resulted in shortage of space for dental permanennya soon. Tooth replacement work will lose direction. Impact, tooth replacement, and a growing crowd direction.
4. Role in sounding certain letters. Loss or severe damage to the teeth can cause a series of difficulties pronouncing the letters, such as M, V, S, Z, Th. However, can be corrected after the replacement tooth appears.
5. Aesthetics. When the milk teeth well have a contribution to maintain aesthetics; appearance children more farcical, more interesting, and more healthy if they smile with the teeth intact and clean.
When milk teeth grow?
Many mothers feel worried if the baby was 6 months of age have not had a tooth. The growing teeth affected many things, among others, pregnancy and birth history, whether the baby is born with enough age and length of the body weight of a normal, health history and nutritional status of infants.
According to the research, and premature or low birth weight, slower growth of teeth. Infants with less nutritional status, hampered the growth of teeth, because it related to the growth of teeth and jaw bones, as part of the growth of children in general.
Milk teeth marks on the baby will grow generally preceded by:
excessive secretion of saliva sometimes to dampen clothes
children tend to want to enter the fingers of your hand into the mouth
children appear nervous, fretful, sometimes decreased appetite. This is due to pain in the gum because tertembus grow new teeth.
Gums where the growth of teeth appear more red color than surrounding areas. Pain, stimulates saliva secretion overfishing. This is useful, because the saliva contained components that are antibakteri to help clean the mouth cavity, thus reducing the possibilities of infection. When gums in the region is touched by the growth of dental finger feels better, looks white, accompanied by a form of teeth that will grow.
Events growing milk teeth are a natural process that does not disrupt the health of children, unless there are other things happening disruption of health. The need to be skeptical of oral cavity hygiene and children's finger.
Enter something into the mouth is part of the process of development of children; should not are hampered. The need to be considered is the security and hygiene goods that enter with no injury other words, and bring germs into the mouth of the causes of infection. Berkonsultasilah with doter children and dentist regularly to monitor and encourage children, including teeth.
8 steps to a small milk teeth healthy
1. Quality teeth formation and determined since the age of 6 weeks fetus in the womb. Maternity Feed enough calcium and protein, generally the growth of baby teeth and bones well.
2. Control group, among other foods that contain sugar and stick to the teeth are not cleaned, which will cause damage to teeth.
3. Should always clean up any remaining food children eat out or drink sweet.
4. Clean teeth and gums of infants with cotton / netting, which will be sterile water. Gosoklah slowly postwar Word and fed.
5. For children who have been able to hold a toothbrush, tooth brush and create an atmosphere of fun, although ultimately help parents still needed.
6. Bimbing children brush teeth with the toothbrush for children that are available in many leading stores. In fact, there are toothbrushes "gradually" from the initial teething to complete milk teeth. Use water to cook kumur to secure if swallowed. Help children holding the brush so that he can wipe the inside and back with a comfortable and safe, not hurt the cheek and gum at the time the brush moved.
7. Under 4 years of age should not use toothpaste, is feared will be merged.
8. Introduction toothpaste can be done when children have been clever gargle, with the supervision of tacky. Give examples of how to gargle the motive kumuran and removing the hard, not only issued from the mouth.

No drivel Normal, If ...

No drivel Normal, If ...

Day-to-day we met frequently with children under five who has saliva from the mouth angle, continuously along the mouth always open, can be symbolized as leaking faucet. Children are not as concerned with the cheeks, chin and neck are always wet. Such conditions called drooling (ngeces).
Basically, the control of the ngeces occur gradually in accordance with the development of children. Control is associated with the position of the body of the child, activities that are conducted of children, child's ability to control movement and the level of development of the mouth movement of children.
Do not grow teeth
Ngeces often occur when children are learning new skills and movement, which continues until the child reaches the ability to make the movement automatically. Also often occur during, before and after grow new teeth.
At the age of 1-3 months, children rarely ngeces because saliva production is still minimal. When the age of 6 months, children will be in a position ngeces lie, supine, prone or sitting. Therefore, when the children began to talk (babling), reach, or to grow teeth. 9 months of age, children can sit or crawl without ngeces. At this age children will eat food when ngeces certain.
At the age of 15-18 months when children ngeces make fine movements, such as eating their own. Meanwhile, at the age of 2 years old children should not do even more ngeces movement that is as skilled drawing, or play their own food.
If the snow did our explanation above, ngeces at a certain age are considered normal. Explanation of the above can be used by parents as a benchmark to identify whether ngeces still in reasonable limits.
Is not normal, if ...
various conditions that cause ngeces not a normal situation, for example:
Mouth open so that children continue to swallow hard. We can try to feel swallowing saliva when the mouth is open, how difficult it is. Mouth open and hold the possibility of infection associated with chronic or napas that always can get them to the nose.
Frequency is not so adekuat saliva accumulate and there was ngeces. Basically a normal human would ingest saliva 2 times per minute while conscious and 1 times per minute during sleep.
Disturbances in the nerve cranialis responsible for ingestion.
Swallowing function that is not optimal because the jaw is not stable, changes tonus (tension) muscle cheeks, lips or muscle weakness in the buffer body.
If the problem is left is not handled properly will of course disturb the further development of children, especially in the eating and talking, and the growth of teeth. As is known, we make the muscles of the face, lips, jaw, tongue, for the same activity and food talk. This means that when children ngeces we continually have to be vigilant against the possibility of a delay in speech. As keterlambatannya of course, depends on the conditions that underlie these ngeces.
The doctor will perform a thorough evaluation matters that cause ngeces and handling are often very simple enough to reposition the body with both the ngeces away.
So ngeces such as leaking faucet can be overcome with the right handling.

A tip-tip milk

A tip-tip milk
v Fish steamed salmon vitaminnya that I lost.
v If the cause of boiled vegetables ... pancinya be closed during cooking and not boiled too long.
v bean pulp ijo a packet of sugar at all, but the love of boiled leaves of pandanus leaves fragrant. Once cooked, I parutin cheese, though tasty.
v Pudding, can didapet sweetness of fruit or always
v But the cornea does vegetables, you just need a key
v Until the age of 6 months, the food is the main breastfed babies
v When the baby out exclusive ation, and began to appear frequently not satisfied with always, often established, etc., consider whether it is time to introduce additional food
There are 2 things I need to dihayati:
v First introduced: what it means? This means a few yes, 1 -2 tsp one or max 2 times a day.
v Concept second extra food, means, to 6 months should not give too many
Food v additional's first child is introduced in the Cereal. So the products of rice or rice. Not a fruit or fruit juice
v More to encourage fruit instead of juice because seratnya and phytochemicalnya participate fully, if fruit
v Against the provision of any team, including Rice's all filtered so one diblender
v Feedback is not going to simply provide food on children's Feedback including adventure, experience, learning
v The feeding is also the one area where the child shows his Independence. So .... That provide food varies, not the same every day.
v Do not mix so all one. Puree per item
v so children eat no rice, no vegetables, wherever it exists / know, no protein, all in sendiri2 plates yng terkotak2
v With so from the beginning he was learning to know masing2 taste of these items.
v Yellow does not allergic to eggs. White can be introduced slightly aged 9 months to the top.
v How to cook vegetables, boil the pot should be closed and merebusnya
v Do not be too long because it will be more vitamins lost.
v To vegetables such as carrots, bean, squash, how to fish
cook them steamed.
For chicken, give the chest and without skin. This addition to the breast meat is also much less fat than the other chickens. Do not give thigh or chicken wings because, in part
This chicken was given injections. Fish can be given when the babies age 9 months of age

first help for falling baby

Be careful not directly carrying. Make sure that the first condition, how?
Infancy is a period prone to accident. When he was studying whether the roll of parents and unguarded, he could drop from the bed. For those handling the management of cases the baby drop is needed. That, while the small drop, not only about the head only, because all the members of the body have the same risk to experience the impact that can membahayakannya.
Here's the explanation from. Anna Tjandra, Sp.A from RSAB Harapan Kita,
the management of accidents in the simple, namely:
* Two children fell directly.
- Note which parts of the body that impact children.
- Remember the fall, whether menghujam directly to the floor or hit something new to the first floor.
- Make sure how many meters in height from children and the media fall into place what pendaratannya.
- See note and in good condition so small. Whether directly after the fall weeping and, move all menggerak-member body? If yes, we can direct to tote
menenangkannya. After he was calm, do a new observation.
- The observation that needs to be done is:
Search and remember the part where the bruising / bump / bruise on the baby all the members of the body. If you find benjolan in the head or a bruise on the body, can be treated with drugs antitrauma oles. If the head is not found bruising or bruised, but when the baby is crying, he larikan immediately to the nearest hospital.
Try to move the second hand baby, to the side, above, below, to the front, and rentangkan and lift-lift. If there are complaints in hand make sure that where and when in a position like that. As the material for this was reported to the doctor.
Do the same thing on foot.
Tengokkan baby head to the right and left. Try dekatkan chin to chest the baby slowly. If there are complaints recorded in the report as a doctor.
Swing a small body to the left and right. If there are complaints recorded and reported to the doctor.
- Observation needs to be done for 2 × 24 hours. If within that, there are complaints, especially to gush with vomiting, larikan immediately to the nearest hospital.
- When the other after falling unconscious in the circumstances but passive (especially not move menggerak-member body) do not mengangkatnya. UGD contact the nearest hospital or 118 to ask for the help of paramedics. Among the conditions in this risk can be fatal.
* If I have found on the floor.
- Consider a baby; knowingly or not, crying or not, can move menggerak-member body or not. If he is not conscious or aware but passive, do not mind carrying, but immediately requested assistance nearest paramedics, UGD or 118.
- Note in a position like what I found when.
If the situation in the prone possible amount of security. But we have to check around the shoulder, both hands, chest and legs. How to move the hands to the top, front, side. If there are complaints of pain immediately take to the doctor.
If the situation in the recumbent. Check the region and note the back of the head, neck, spine and pelvis, ranging from bruising or red alert, to the complaint pain when touched and moved as mentioned above. Make sure the baby does not vomit or experience a decrease in the awareness of 2 × 24 hours. If there are complaints larikan immediately to the doctor.
If the baby was found in the sloping position, right or left.
Note and check the head, which became the focus of the body, legs also. Make checks as mentioned above. If there are complaints larikan immediately to the doctor.
If found in a sitting position. Check and make sure the baby is still conscious, usually crying, and able to coerce members of the body.
Check the panggulnya, there is no sign of a bruise, red, or sick time held or moved. If yes larikan immediately to the doctor.
* Checking the other needs to be done, the position of any breakdown in the small, do not forget to check the eye. Good use flashlights:
While we still bereaksikah flashlight eyes, mengedip, close her eyes or shocked. If it does not immediately take the child to the hospital.
Movement flashlight to the right and left, still follow the movement id baby rays. If not, he should immediately dilarikan to the hospital.
Note pupil's eyes, whether the pupil eyes right and left that same big / small flashlight on one by one. If the same we can breathe free. If not, babies need to undergo further examination, such as CT scans.
- Measure and make sure the small fall from a height does. For the higher rent
gravity earth may be more interesting strong children. Of effects caused any increase.
Below the possibilities that can occur when the baby fell. With this knowledge parents can be expected to understand the condition when the baby fell and able to perform the first true:
* If the head hit the first floor
In the next any impact that occurred during still in the head, we need to mewaspadainya. Baby's skull bones are still fragile and yet he has a reflex to keep the good. Possibility that can happen, baby experiencing fraktur or cracked / broken bones of the skull, or bleeding in or outside the skull in the skull.
Bleeding on the outside can be marked with the bump / bruise. During the fraktur no, it can be said that this condition is not serious. Rabalah ubun-ubunnya whether or not menjendol. The crown menjendol a sign of increasing pressure in the brain that can occur because of bleeding or a brain ederma.
Please note, if not found benjolan / bruised, but the baby crying (or do not cry and fall asleep), is not self sadarkan, kejang/muntah- experienced vomiting (which is not a spurt gumoh), baby experiencing some suspicion bleeding in the skull of his head. Larikan immediately to the nearest hospital.
* If the chest first, which hit the surface
Mendaratnya even if the place, the possibility of the risk of injury to infants less. Conversely, where the ground is not smooth or that there are bulge right leads to the chest can cause fraktur / rib bones or severe side patahannya which can be about organ lungs, or it. To see whether it's a small breathing can be normal or not.
Generally, if the chest first, the "land", will naturally make the protection of hands first. Because it also check the condition of the hands and shoulders of the baby. Is there a circle broken hand experience or is there a joint exit (dislocation) of the place. Check also the head, especially the forehead. Usually, when landed, even though the chest first, the head hit the floor immediately follow.
* If the pelvis first landed
The baby will likely experience dislocation fraktur or pelvis. Because the pelvis directly related to spinal feared that there nerves that bind. If the foot of the wall nerve poppet usually can not animate aliased legs paralyzed.
* If the landed feet first
Characters on each baby can be different. If he can stand will hold his body with foot and fell bersimpuh. Risk cases is dislocation or sprain. In infants under 6 months although not able to keep his body, the body naturally baby will drop to the front and landed before hand will be a bumper.
* If the land back ahead
Dangerous because of a direct relation with the spine and can lead to broken vertebrae in the baby. Another risk, if any nerves that bind can lead to paralysis. The baby was found in the drop position such as this do not digendong. Let the paramedics who helped conduct. But if I can be aware and active, we can directly carrying.
* If the first landed back
Become a danger if the land involved in the neck position terlipat / bending because it can lead to strained neck bones and fraktur. When the baby is not aware of the circumstances do not try mengangkatnya. The steps that we can do is ask for help from paramedics at the UGD in the hospital or 911.

7 Questions About Drugs Infants

7 Questions About Drugs Infants
Q Is it possible given the remaining drugs again?
A medicine for the rest of handling the disease and can not be used to overcome the symptoms of the disease your baby. Sometimes, the pharmacist preparing the liquid medicine from a little more to be vigilant if the medicine is spilled or are not appropriate. So, if the small medication remain after the process of handling it ended, directly dispose of reasons only.
Q When the baby can swallow pills?
A chewable tablet is a drug that is rather hard and longer larutnya. Thus, the drug has the potential to make your baby choke, if not smart chew food. Even if I have been eating solid food, gerus the first tablet. Let not feel bitter, `selundupkan? medicine was in the food. Only, not suitable hapgyrch food combined with the drug your baby. Select the wrong food can reduce the effectiveness of these drugs work too. Check this on your child's doctor.
Most okay I give your baby medicines in liquid form. This type of drugs more easily swallowed and are suitable doses. Yet again, the liquid medicine is generally given perisa (flavored) by the pharmacist to feel more comfortable. For example, the sense of oranges, apples, and so forth.
Note: Give food in small amounts, and make sure I spend all the food that doses of drugs that should guide doctors diminumnya appropriate. Never mix drugs in the bottle. If milk is not exhausted, this means that children are not drinking appropriate dose of drugs.
Q Could the baby be given drugs belong to other people?
A Do not ever give drugs are prescribed to another person (either the drug specifically for adults and children) on your baby. Besides not necessarily work effectively in the body of your baby, the drugs may even endanger life.
Note: Two people who have the same disease, they may need different drugs. Even if the same medicine, dose and the rules can only take the medicine is different. Therefore, the only give medicine prescribed specifically for the small plus to fit the condition.
Q Is there an easy way to give medicine to the baby?
A general, to give medicine in the baby more difficult, because the likes insurrectional it. Therefore, the position of the body must pass. How? Pangku the small, and to Arrange half the sitting position. Note: Do not menelentangkan baby, because drugs can enter the lungs.
Special baby, liquid medicine should be given to the tube or pipette. Baby
can not swallow the spoon!
triknya to medicine was actually swallowed the small. For example, place the pipette in the corner of the mouth of the baby, and the slowly remove the drug. How the tube? Tuanglah medicine into the tube, according dose advice. Kiss goodbye her dream at the end of the tube down the small lips, and allow the flow of drugs into his mouth.
Q What should be done if the baby vomit drugs?
A baby who are directly vomiting after drinking medicine. Origin know it, will absorb the gut most of the drugs within 30-45 minutes. When the baby directly reject the medicine, repeat only of these drugs. Special antibiotic drugs, repeat the dose again after 10 minutes of drugs (and dimuntahkannya).
Sometimes, the baby is too sick to swallow drugs and vomit all. This occurs in the general medicine fever, which forms a liquid, such as acetaminophen. If this happens, I can get medicine for fever that is inserted through the anus. I can also, your doctor meresepkan drugs antimuntah (enter through the anus) to approximately 20-30 minutes before the liquid medicine. In this way, the drug can remain small? Survive? in the stomach.
Note: Contact your child's doctor, when I go back and forth vomiting. Giving a dose of medicine too often can cause diarrhea, especially in some types of antibiotics. In his biography, the antibiotic can be done by states.
Q Is it true that aspirin is not safe for the baby?
A Aspirin is a drug fever pereda effective. However, the drug is on the baby (especially with viral infections) can cause serious side effects, namely, Reye syndrome. Predictably, this syndrome associated with the body's inability to overcome certain chemical substances. Symptoms are uncontrollable vomiting, fever, delirious, and is not aware (and commas). This syndrome is rare, however, including disease and heavy fatal consequences if not immediately known. Hence, never give your baby aspirin or any medication that contains aspirin.
Note: drugs that contain aspirin is sometimes given another name, namely salicylate or acetylslicylate. Therefore cermatlah read the label on the packaging of drugs children.
Q Which is better: acetaminophen or ibuprofen?
A fact, acetaminophen or ibuprofen works to overcome the pain and fever. Even previously, acetaminophen is the drug paregoric remover (nonaspirin), which is always a first choice. Afterward, the doctor began meresepkan ibuprofen, as these drugs are stronger and durable.
Both drugs have side effects. Ibuprofen can mengiritasi stomach, if the child is not okay or not familiar with these drugs. Acetaminophen does not cause stomach, but large doses can cause liver damage. That is why the drug factory memroduksi liquid acetaminophen special children in the tiny bottles.
Which is okay? Both are equally powerful thin. What is important is the provision of appropriate dose of drugs, according to weight. Should, berkonsultasilah with the doctor to use both types of medicine.
Note: Especially when the small aged under 3 months, you should always consult with doctors before the members of this drug. Can be, even giving the drug had symptoms of the disease will cover your baby. The result? Doctors increasingly difficult to diagnose the disease. The problem is, the small easy once sick and can direct serious condition.


Metabolic disorder usually indicated by the weight of the unremitting increase. In a metabolic disorder called Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA), breastfeeding and regular milk formula had not consumed baby
Weight babies are not proportionate with a straight health. However, if I never experienced a small increase in body weight, parents need to be vigilant. Especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as frequent dimuntahkan always, floppy body is weak, and developmental milestones are not met. So I can grow as a result failed to subject his body metabolism.
To determine what factors cause disturbances to the growth of children, requires more observation. In addition to the accuracy of diagnosis, possible causes are very many. One may methylmalonic acidemia (MMA).
"Disorders of growth is one of the symptoms of MMA," he said. Naomi Esthernita, Sp.A. What is the MMA? "MMA is a metabolic aberration congenital (inborn errors of metabolism). That is especially the constraints of protein metabolism essential amino acid valine and isoleucine to become new products that required the body," information specialist doctors child from the Siloam Gleneagles Hospital, Lippo Cikarang.
With these obstacles, means that the baby's body can not accept Feed breastfeeding and regular milk formula. Can be, how the weight of life if the baby should receive, which could result in the Feed bad for the body's metabolism. This occurs because the enzyme acid change metil malonat the metylmalonyl COA mutase too little or not produced. Alternatively, the factors needed to support the enzyme can work, namely vitamin B12, is not adequate.
Beware of the symptoms
Not all the interference that occurs in the body easily visible. Sometimes the fact that much is hidden in the body, to menelisiknya also need to review carefully the laboratory and sophisticated equipment, such as occurred in the MMA. "Harassment is very difficult to be detected. Moreover, the results of the laboratory to get an accurate about the disruption this can not be done in Indonesia," said dr. Dwi Widodo Putro, Sp.A., from the Siloam Gleneagles Hospital, Lippo Karawaci, which is found in a separate opportunity.
So most do not, beware indicator disturbances in children, among others:
* Malas eating and drinking
* Food or beverages that are often entry dimuntahkan
* Muscle weakness
* The growth and development of the subject
* Mushroom recurrent infection
* Front dismorfik
* Sometimes there are heart enlargement.
However, indeed, was not an indicator of specific symptoms. This means not only that the interference MMA marked with similar symptoms. "Possible interference with the body's metabolism is very much similar symptoms. Meanwhile, the laboratory examination
is not sufficient. By the doctor later blood samples will be sent to laboratories that have more complete facilities such as the
to enforce the diagnosis, "Dwi information.
Likewise Dwi, Naomi also give opinions, "So to see the early, screening should be done on newborn babies (newborn screening). By the way, use noktah dried blood on filter paper to be sent to a laboratory berkompetensi for that." But of course the cost of inspection is not cheap. Given the conditions
, Can be used only if not among the many who are able to do so.
Menelisik complexity of this interference caused MMA often escape the observation of the parents. Other things attached to them when symptoms are already very clear. "The time of birth, the baby with the MMA is usually normal, so difficult to distinguish them with the baby without the MMA," said Naomi.
Despite this disruption may have been found since the new born baby, but symptoms usually arise after a new baby consume protein from breastfeeding or Pasi. "What caused, the symptoms have been incurred while the results are not given the inspection process in the laboratory in such a complicated and can not be done here. If so, should do the restrictions Feed protein (between breastfeeding and the other from Pasi) to prevent the symptoms continued," Naomi information .
MMA is derived autosomal resesif. This means both parents carry genes morbid, but do not always cause symptoms closed because of work by the normal genes. If the two new genes rocker is met, then the baby is born will suffer MMA. "Parents who have detected this deviation, should immediately alert so have the baby," Dwi suggestions.
While the factors eating patterns,
life, pollution and so forth, according to Dwi no connection with this case. "Eating pattern that parents do not care when pregnant will not raise the difference in this baby. So this interference is completely descendants of factors," said Dwi.
In general, this interference can be divided into two, namely interference that occurs because defisien (lack of) or because defisien enzyme co-factor. Therefore, the penatalaksanaannya also be divided into two, namely:
* Defiasi enzyme
If defisien because enzymes, so do the restrictions Feed essential amino acid valine and isoleucine with a special formula milk on the baby. Before obtained special formula milk, liquid food temporary replacement will be provided under the supervision of doctors.
* Defiasi co-factor
- If defisien co-factors that happen, given enough vitamin B12.
- Conditions that can cause stress katabolisme protein, the body should be avoided.
In addition, information Dwi, not a baby with the MMA may also have disfunction other organs. "Doctors need to be cautious. For example, nerves brain, kidney disturbances, and so forth can be handling the case."
As mentioned above, the interference is very difficult to detect. However, if the left does not mean it will not bring bad effects, such as, "What is clearly visible interference and encourage the child. Looks emaciated babies usually difficult to eat because food and the entrance is often dimuntahkan. Even in a state of stress can cause coma until death," Dwi said.
Although quite rare case, parents should remain vigilant. Naomi is to suggest the following:
* If possible, should do newborn screening on each new baby born to detect the metabolic aberration in early default, including the MMA this aberration.
If you have a baby with the interruption of growth or development, should consult a doctor at the children.
* If there are family members who have such deviation, while the husband and wife want to have children again, consultation should do to detect the genetic aberration is prenatal care through the diagnosis.

Infant signs tired, cold and heat

Infant signs tired, cold and heat
To view the above three is not easy, but if we already know the characteristics, so easy, tut. Faced a baby, parents are often confused and made serbasalah. Parties, the baby can not reveal what he feels or what he wanted with the language we understand. They can only cry or behave exacting keeper, if I cry and popoknya not wet, so we suspect he was hungry or simply spoiled. Even not necessarily, lo. He can only weep with cold, swelter, or kecapekan. As recognized dr. Anna Tjandrajani, Sp.A. We hope the RSAB from,
, Not many people know the characteristics of infant cold, swelter, or kecapekan. "However, if we know the characteristics, so easily, lo, mendeteksinya." To that end, he is willing reveal "secret" to us.
BAYI swelter
We also often incorrectly detect the body temperature of children increases. Became sick, I know I swelter. The cause of the children swelter, according to Anna, is more influenced environmental factors, such as lack of ventilation, the weather outside is fierce, narrow room, or light into the room excessive.
* Characteristics:
1. Children begin restlessness.
2. Skin children start or milk from the previous melegam.
3. Sweaty, in the forehead, head, and the armpit. Shirts are also wet.
4. Skin in other parts of the body so dry.
5. Also dry lips.
* Handling:
If not quickly addressed, children may experience dehydration. This is the step-by-step handling:
1. Keep children from the heat source, and dinginkan air space. If you are under the blazing sun, shelter flee. If you are in a room closed to less ventilation, for example, in the car that is not air conditioned, call the child out of the vehicle.
2. Remove the blanket of children. Also, babies should not dibedong. "Takutnya, because dibedong familiar, so when all things that cover the body removed, even children's quiver." If it is happening, waspadalah. Perhaps, the temperature rise is a fever.
3. Pakaikan baby clothes that are suitable for tropical climate, such as cotton or materials that absorb perspiration. Change your clothes as soon as the baby wet by sweat.
4. After that, measuring the temperature with a thermometer children. If the results show the number 36-37,5 degrees Celsius, meaning he is still normal. If more than 37.5 degrees Celsius, the possibility of child fever. If up to 39 degrees Celsius mean he has high fever, especially if up to 40 degrees Celsius more, so he can experience hipertermia. .
5. To distinguish sick with pain, how the work is with children feel the body, whether body temperature equal to or higher than our body. "But this is still not guaranteed. Most appropriate, with the thermometer measure," Anna anjur.
We also need to know the characteristics of infants who experience fatigue. Usually this happens when the quality of sleep less, too often digendong, or too old to play. According to Anna, mostly children, which kecapekan will sleep with itself. However, it can be seen in a more holistic approach.
* Characteristics:
1. Fussy baby. When asked after the walk and diteteki still choosy, so be it children kecapekan. Tenangkan by making him comfortable, so that she can fall asleep with a crush. He may also find a place to sleep.
2. Stare glassy eyes, not exuberant, or wither. However, according to Anna, this feature does not always guarantee that the baby is kecapekan. So he can be sick. Therefore, our children really understand it well. Always check the physical condition and body temperature, including fesesnya. If we are suspicious, Thank you take to the doctor. Should remember, too often kecapekan will lower the body's resistance and then invite the disease.
BAYI cold
* Features-features on the new born baby / neonatus
1. Children shiver, even though this feature is usually not easily visible on the small baby.
2. Children visible skin mottled, red and white or mixed-spot relief spot.
3. Children appear apathetic or just silent.
4. Further, children of blue that can be seen on the lips and fingertips-finger.
5. If this still left, the child can stop breathing.
6. Top, children can be affected hipotermia and died. However, parents need not worry too. Usually, the first indication can be seen by nurses and doctors who deal with then take action penghangatan or heatradian (disinar by lamplight normal and covered). If you need to use the mattress penghangat. "Even so, to ensure that, should the baby directly measured body temperature with the thermometer. If the figure below 35 degrees Celsius, meaning that children affected hipotermia of the normal human temperature is 36-37,5 degrees Celsius," said Anna.
* For babies over 1 month
Even if the baby is now stronger than before, if the temperature is so low and the environment does not make them comfortable, most likely the child is also cold. Characteristics, according to Anna, that can be detected in kasat eyes, there is also a must with the palpability.
1. That can be detected in kasat eyes: the baby condition is not much different from the baby neonatus the cold.
1. He tended to dwell only.
2. Children visible skin mottled, red and white or mixed-berbercak spot.
3. Children with a characteristic blue, lips and fingertips-blue finger. If left, the child can stop breathing. Top, children can experience hipotermia. If not immediately addressed, death can occur. "Only if the baby will be faster neonatus blue. Meanwhile, the baby greater changes will be long," said Anna.
2. That can be detected with the palpability
1. Hands and the hands feel cold, as well as the legs.
2. More bodies from the body's cold. To confirm it, check with a thermometer that is placed in the anus. The cold is built with a blanket. Too warm or room temperature environment in which babies are. Can turn off the AC or heat the body with 60 watt lamp placed on one. The distance is less than 1.5 meters from the body of the child. Well, children with affection, "Even this is the best way," said a doctor who also practice in the Clinic How Cinere. However, when sleep better with the children into the light. Far better if children are using the mattress penghangat. If the body temperature is never normal, once I take to the nearest doctor.

Wonders of the navel of Darling Ropes

Wonders of the navel of Darling Ropes
The presence of the fruit heart complete happiness household Rumantir Maya (41) and her husband, Takala Gerald Manumpak Hutasoit. "This is the miracle child," said Maya, Director of the Board of Education Mayagita, also known as a singer artist.
Originally, he recommended doctors not to have children because of birth in the mother of four heads are considered high risk to the safety and health of the mother and baby. "We continually pray, and the defense," said Maya. He was married to her husband in April 2004.
He finally delivered a daughter by Caesar in the operation of Mother Hospital on 30 August 2005. Children born with weight of 3.8 kilograms and 52 centimeters long is the name given Kristamya Kiara Oliveralda Tiurnauli Hutasoit, which means the beautiful bright light.
To optimize the small flowers grow, she attempted to give milk (breastmilk) exclusively. Nevertheless, he still covered qualm on the development of health Kiara because more and more types of diseases that appear today. "I want the best for Kiara," said the woman who berlesung the cheek.
Therefore, when the bids came from the hospital to store umbilical cord blood of their children, Maya and her husband not take long to approve them. "Bids came towards my birth. Once given a glimpse know the benefits, I immediately mengiyakannya although this is something new for me," said Maya.
The process of umbilical cord blood is held short. Once born, the umbilical cord blood taken and tied for fourth with a tube injection. Umbilical cord blood is then sent to bank cord blood, which is located in Singapore. Cost of umbilical cord blood is around Rp 11 million and the cost of storage above Rp 1 million per year.
"According to doctors, umbilical cord blood contains many stem cells that can be used to treat various diseases aberration of blood and other diseases in infants and their families," said Maya. Implementation of the parent cell technology provides secercah hopes for Kiara and her family to be spared from the various types of the disease.
Wonders of the parent cells derived from umbilical cord blood has been felt many people in various parts of the world. One of them is Oh Tze Sun (6), toddlers origin of the Singapore sentenced talasemia suffered major since the age of six months. In July 2001, Oh given injections of blood from the umbilical cord that is not related toddlers socialize with. Now, he does not need states every day and get a blood transfusion every three weeks.
Ryan Foo also lives saved by cord blood younger female. In 2001 he declared doctors have only 10 percent of life expectancy, if not transplanting bone marrow back because of suffering leukemia. Unfortunately, both parents are not there to be a suitable donor. Foo family recently heard the umbilical cord blood helpful to cure the disease. They then decided to have a second child can save Ryan.
"Rachel's umbilical cord blood was one hundred percent fit for Ryan," said Tan Ah Moy out of the hospital, Mother and Son to Good Housekeeping. Finally, 18 months later Ryan declared free of leukemia and now attend school in kindergarten.
Parent cell therapy
Pregnancy and birth is a natural process full of wonders. During pregnancy, the umbilical cord is the only link between the life of the mother and baby. During the placenta and umbilical cord in newborn babies buried or discarded.
also save because there is a myth cords can help cure a sick child.
However, in 1963, researchers in the medical world to find the parent cells from the umbilical cord can be used baby and his family to cure various diseases. For, blood in the placenta and umbilical cord contains millions of cells forming blood parent that are similar to the parent cells that are found in bone marrow.
Transplanting umbilical cord blood was first performed on a child patient in anemia fanconi
in 1988. The success of transplanting it to open a new view in the use of umbilical cord blood that was not useful. After further examined, which offered many advantages compared with bone marrow transplantation, which so primadona.
Stem cell bone marrow and umbilical cord blood has been used successfully to treat various diseases of blood aberration. Until now, at least 3,000 transplanting umbilical cord blood has been done. More than 72 diseases that can be treated with transplanting cells is the parent, including leukemia, porous bones (osteoporosis), and breast cancer.
Most of the diseases that cured the disease is acute, such as acute and chronic leukemia, fanconi anemia, aplastic anemia, and Auto Immune Disease. "In the future, the parent cells can be used to repair organs such as heart and pancreas, and help treat stroke, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson," said Dr. Sunny Tan Ling Chiok PhD from Cygenics Singapore.
"The use of peripheral blood or umbilical cord (umbilical cord blood stem cell), which contains many adult stem cells have the ability priliferasi better than bone marrow stem cells," said dr Boenjamin PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Transplanting cells using a parent of adult umbilical cord blood has a higher level matches than bone marrow.
Method of
Currently, the use of umbilical cord blood therapy in clinical use for many more cancer patients, namely, the hematopoietic stem cells transplantation. According to Richard and Maria Teresa Prayogo Wijaya Research Center of Kalbe Farma
, Now the use of umbilical cord blood for therapy rejuvenasi for parents with the goal meregenerasi organs that ripen middle examined further.
The amount of benefits from the parent cell umbilical cord blood that make many international companies serving the umbilical cord blood when the baby is born, including Cordlife Singapore. In Indonesia, for the first time the umbilical cord blood bank was established and began operating early next year on the cooperation of PT Kalbe Farma and Cordlife. Cost of around 1,400 Singapore dollars and storage costs 250 Singapore dollars per year.
In practice, the method of umbilical cord blood is the blood taken immediately after birth and after the umbilical cord and cut diklem. According to the research, methods of umbilical cord blood by using a bag of blood is safer from the risk of pollution compared with other methods such as the method of syringes.
We cleaned the umbilical cord with iodine and a bag of blood from the needle ditusukkan to the vena cords. Blood will flow to the blood bag. This process is not risk and do not hurt the mother and baby.
"Pollution bacteria and fungi can occur during the process and processing," he said.
Testing of umbilical cord blood to the bacteria and fungi before and after the process must be done to ensure that blood is free from pollution when stored. If polluted, blood can not be used when needed. Thus, cord blood must not be polluted by bacteria and fungi, while the blood of the mother should be free from HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, Syphilis, and cytomegalovirus.
If polluted, giving antibiotics or other drugs are not recommended because they need the disbursement return umbilical cord blood frozen so that increase the risk of contaminated. The use of antibiotics as possible be avoided during the processing of cells. Samples of blood contaminated the possibility that there are other germs that are difficult to detect.
The risk of contaminated blood, if stored in the tube because the process of opening and closing the tube repeatedly while giving antibiotics. In the process of freezing and melting repeatedly, the cells in the blood sample and this will reduce the number teracuni cells alive. Substitution temperature repeatedly the risk of damage to the structure of the cell.
The opportunity to save the baby's umbilical cord blood only at the time of birth. Therefore, the opportunity once in life to provide protection to children and families that we should not be missed it. ***

Know how milk is made!

We know that breastfeeding in the early breastfeeding be made?
In the first day post-childbirth, breastfeeding made by the organs begin production of breastmilk.
In the days of the first page, the production of breastmilk page is not determined how many of my breastfed issued.
After a few days later, the production of breastmilk is determined from how much I spent breastfeeding (dg better ways fed or pumped).
Organ breastmilk production will start to reduce the production of breastfeeding according to the number of infants needs dg (I spent many a breastfeeding).
In the first weeks, generally breastfeeding mothers will produce more than the capacity required baby (especially if both mother breastfeeding dg). In the page many mothers feel seepage or breastfeeding and breast swelling or feel full. This condition will not be long. On the page organs production breastfeeding mothers are in the process of adjustment against the required number of breastfed babies.
Then about mg to-6 months to up to 3, prolaktin's high rate will start gradually decreased until the end of the period of breastfeeding. On the page, do not feel the full breast, breastfeeding decreased seepage, let down reflex * * (breastfeeding flows) have not started, and I pumped breastmilk / perah reduced. This is normal there. Does not mean that breastfeeding decreased production.
Is the content changed my mind every minute?
Many mothers may not understand that breastfeeding is always changed from time to time.
In the minute early breastfeeding, breastfeeding is rich in protein, low fat, tends to "thin". Breastfeeding is working on the opening / remover
thirsty. FOREMILK called.
Meanwhile, in the rich menit2 last breastfed tend to be fat and thick. Breastfed babies will be filling the main good food. Breastfeeding is called HINDMILK.
When breastfeeding mothers can not distinguish exactly between foremilk and hindmilk. Changes foremilk-hindmilk run very slowly.
According to the Research Group Peter Hartmann said that more empty breasts, the higher the fat content in breastfeeding.
Is breastfeeding made before or fed to the baby afterwards?
One thing's certain that breastfeeding is produced each time. Including before, during and after the baby suckle. Among the other to suckle one, I breastfed produced will be stored in the mother's breast. Volume I breastfed stored in the breast will be more if the gap next suckle longer.
The number of breastfeeding my breasts are stored in relatively vary at every mother and NOT determined the size of the breast (although breast size can limit the capacity of the warehouse breastfeeding). Some mothers do not have the space savings and more.
However, the warehouse has a mother breastfeeding or slightly more sama2 produce enough for breastfeeding my baby. Mother has a warehouse I breastfed many have a relatively gap with the breastfeeding time longer than the mother has a warehouse less breastfeeding.
Is breastfeeding will be empty from the breast after the baby's mother Word?
Many people think that the way my mind works the same gallon of water ie (Dispenser water). Once empty the contents, then he needs to be filled before the baby suckle back again. This is not how to work the production of breastmilk. Breastfeeding produced every time. Breastfeeding will never be out of 100%, although the baby has suckle on the breast page.
Research proves lactation, the baby will not spend all the stock of breastfeeding in the breast. Jumah I breastfed drunk depending on the appetite for food. Generally, the volume of breastfeeding the baby's drunk by the relatively ranged from 75-80% 100% stock of breastfeeding in the breast. In simple words, imagine the following illustration. Clear my mind from the same breast good deplete the river. Something impossible to do. Because breastfeeding will continue to flow while breastfeeding itself issued.
Lactation research also shows that more empty breasts, the more quickly produce breast breastfeeding. The more & drink often breastfed babies, breastfeeding produced more quickly. So do not think breastfeeding / coach / perah good "drinking water from the suction cups dg, so will be reduced and empty." But imagine if we drink water from dg using suction cups. Then, at the same time, water dituang slowly into the glass. The sooner we drink, the more quickly the water in the glass dituang page. So roughly we can spend in the water glass page? Of course not
! Likewise, breastfeeding made. Breastfeeding will never dry or empty from the breast, although the baby has finished suckle. Many mothers I did not understand this. Many also feel that breastfeeding mothers need to be rechargeable. As a result, mothers often happens wait until I feel full of new payudaranya fed to the baby.
Even this can cause the production of breastfeeding so slow.

Caring Center Ropes

Caring Center Ropes
Umbilical cords or cord is a channel for life for a fetus in the womb. It says the channel because the channel is the life for the 9 months 10 days supply-vitamin astringent and oxygen to the fetus. But once the baby is born, this channel is no longer necessary and should be cut and tied or dijepit.
The remaining umbilical cord still attached at the stomach of a baby (umbilical stump), will dry up and will usually be detached themselves in 1-3 weeks time, although there is also a new loose after 4 weeks. Generally, new parents a little afraid, afraid to handle the new baby's birth, because of the presence of the umbilical stump this. Although penampakannya little 'concerned' but the reality is your baby does not feel pain or interfere reason.
Care umbilical cord was also simple. Important, make sure the cords and the surrounding area is always clean and dry. Always wash hands with soap and water before cleaning the umbilical cord. During this, the standard treatment cords that are taught by medical workers to new parents is clean or wash the base of the umbilical cord with alcohol. The latest recommendations from the WHO is enough to clean the base of the umbilical cord with the use of soap and water, and wind dried up to dry.
Research shows that the umbilical cord is cleaned with soap and water are more likely to quickly whistle (loose) from the umbilical cord is cleaned with alcohol.
However, the practice of cleaning the umbilical cord with alcohol is also not entirely prohibited because even in some developed countries still apply.
Consider, cords are treated without the use of alcohol sometimes the fragrance (not all). This is what makes parents feel worried. When parents hesitate to determine which way will be better discussed with the doctor.
During the whistle has not strap center, the baby should not wherefore dicelupkan way into the water. Self dilap only with warm water. The reason, to keep the umbilical cord still dry. Do not worry, your baby is still fragrant dilap although only just over a week. The part that should always be cleaned is the base of the umbilical cord, not the top. To clean the base of this, you need a little lift (not interesting) cords. Cool it, your baby will not feel sick. The remaining water or alcohol attached to the umbilical cord can be dried
using a sterile gauze or cotton. After the dry wind cords. You can flutter with a hand-sweep niupnya or to speed drying. Cords must be cleaned at least twice a day.
Cords also can not be closed with any, because it will make it more humid. In addition to slow puputnya cords, also raises the risk of infection. They closed (you may be 'horror' view penampakannya), closing with a ligament or loose at the top of the cords with sterile gauze.
Make sure the base of the umbilical cord can be affected by the air unimpeded. When your baby using disposable nappies, which are specific to the new born baby (the indentation in the front). And not wearing pants or jump-whistling on your baby. Until the central whistle strap, wearing only diaper and clothes superiors. When your baby use cloth nappies, do not enter the clothes to the supervisors in nappies. The idea is to let the umbilical cord exposed to the air quickly wither and drop.
Leave the umbilical cord off by itself. Do not hold-assistance or even withdraw RIVERSIDE, although you see the cords that 'hang up' on the baby's stomach only comprised yarn. Parents can contact a doctor if the umbilical cord has not whistle after 4 weeks, or when there are visible signs of infection, such as the base of the umbilical cord and the surrounding areas in red, out of a fluid, blood out there continuously, and / or baby fever without a clear reason.
After the umbilical cord, the baby sometimes seen protruding belly (bulging). In our culture there is a suggestion for attaching a coin (binggel) on the ropes after the baby's navel center whistle. The aim is that children are not prominent navel (bulging). Even without any given ballast (coin), long-time bulge terebut will disappear. And indeed, bulging belly, or not more influenced by genetic factors.

Management milk for the Working Mother

Often, mothers have to work dilemma between the wish to provide breast milk exclusively to give the baby milk formula. By reason of klair milk ibuk working mothers choose to give to baby milk formula.
Described here about how we can manage the milk with various types of tools. With little trouble soon the mother and child can benefit the most.
Extort milk useful for:
- Provide food BBLR
- Remove the dam
- Maintain the supply of milk when the mother's pain
- Leave milk for babies
- Or when the mother went to work
- Eliminate seepage milk
A. Extort milk by hand
All mothers should learn extort milk. Can begin to learn the mother during pregnancy and can be implemented immediately after birth. Rack with hand tools do not require that a woman can do it anywhere, anytime. Rack easily be done by hand when the breast is soft. More difficult when the breast is more terbendung and pain.
B. How to extort milk by hand
Prepare the cup, glass or bowl that is very clean. Wash with soap and water with a dry tissue / towel clean. Pour boiling water into the cup and leave for several minutes. When you are ready to extort milk, remove water from the cup.
Wash hands thoroughly with
Place the cups on the table or hold hands with one another to accommodate the water ibuP milk.
Body leaning forward and prop breast with the hand
Place the thumb on the areola around the nipple and areola on the index finger below the nipple.
Massage thumb and index finger into the chest wall.
Now massage areola behind the nipple between finger and thumb. Mother must squeeze sine laktiferus under the areola.
Press and off, press and loose. In the beginning there was no milk out, but after some time considered, milk has started. milk can also shoot out of reflex when active.
PERAS areola in the same way from all sides to make sure that your milk from the breast all segments.
Do not squeeze the nipple itself. Avoid finger along the nipple.
Pressing or nipple can not extort milk. This is the same thing happens when the baby suck from the nipple alone.
* Extort milk for babies or sick BBLR
Mother must wring as much milk each time you need to be breast-fed babies. For BBLR is 8 or more times a day.
It is important to rack and as often as possible to maintain the supply of milk. When the mother's milk extort more than a baby needed, water ibuP milk can be given for another baby whose mother can not wring enough, or give the BBLR that his mother has not been out of milk.
* To maintain the supply of milk when the mother or baby is sick
Mother must rack breast milk as possible and as often as desired baby. Give the baby if possible.
* Eliminate dam
Peraslah as often as possible and necessary to remain comfortable breast and nipple kelenturan maintain suction for the baby. Some mothers may need to wring every time before breastfeeding. On the other mothers may only need to rack one or two times a day. Some mothers get that warm compress or gently massage to help milk flow.
* Eliminate penetesan milk
Extort milk enough to reduce the pressure on the breast. No need to extort milk once more.
C. Pump electricity
Electric pump breast milk more efficient and suitable for use in the hospital. However, all the pumps easily bring infection. This is very dangerous when more
from a mother to use the same pump.
D. How to warm bottles
This is a useful technique to remove the dam, especially when the breast is very painful and tense nipple.
How to use the technique of warm bottle is:
- Search big bottles (for example, the size of 1 liter, 700 ml, or 3 liters) with a wide neck (if possible).
- Ask family for a number of warm water and fill with hot water bottles. Leave a few minutes to warm glass bottles.
- Bungkus bottle with a cloth and dispose of hot water.
- Dinginkan neck and enter into the nipple to touch the skin around them closely.
- Hold the bottle is strong, after a few minutes bottles freeze and cause drag it will be interesting soft nipple.
- Feel warm help of reflex, and milk began to flow and soak up the bottle. Sometimes when a woman first felt the pull, he will be shocked and interesting bottles.
So must be put again in hot water bottles and start again.
- After some time, reduced pain in the breast and rack with the hand or suction can be done.


The frequency that often means not pencernaannya disrupted. Beware when the color white or accompanied by blood. Activities defecate on the baby sometimes make parents worry. Colors, shapes and patterns that vary with adults is often cause an emergency. Before we become afraid, the following explanation from. Waldi Nurhamzah, Sp.A, Feces can serve on the baby.
Generally, the colors in the feces of infants can be yellow or brown, green, red, and white or grayish. Normal or not the baby's digestive system, can be detected colors from the feces.
Yellow indicated Feces can serve as normal. Waldi words, the color Feces can serve baby milk is affected by the dikomsumsinya.
"When the baby to drink exclusively breastfed, tinjanya more brightly colored and bright yellow or dominated, so-called golden feces. Breastfeeding means they are full, from foremilk (breastfeeding front) to hindmilk (breastmilk back)."
Yellow arising from the process of digestion of fat, which is assisted by liquid bile. Liquid bile made in the liver and saved some time in the gall bladder to the time spent.
When the fat found in the gut that comes from food, gall bladder will berkontraksi (minimize size) to extort cairannya out. Bile liquid fat will be split into substances that can be absorbed intestine.
Meanwhile, when a drunk milk formula, breastfeeding or mixed milk formula, the color Feces can serve will be more dark, such as yellow, dark, slightly brown, brown, yellow, brown or brown greenery.
Feces can serve the green category also includes normal. Nevertheless, the color can not be continuously displayed. "This means that the way breastfeeding mothers to give it not correct. Inhaled by the baby only foremilk only, while hindmilk it is not." Such cases generally occur if the production of breastmilk is very abundant.
In the payudaranya, breastfeeding mothers have a future (foremilik) and the back of my mind hindmilk). At the time the baby suckle, it will always suck in front of more breastmilk first. This section has more content laktosa sugar and fat but low. That are easily absorbed and quickly make babies often hungry again. Meanwhile, breastfeeding back (hindmilk) will be inhaled when the foremilk out earlier has been exhausted.
Hindmilk contain more fat. "Fat is making a yellow feces."
Now, if only to get the baby foremilk, which contains slightly more fat and sugar, sometimes changes occur in the digestive process, which ultimately make Feces can serve baby green. Even often also formed from gas that there is too much (wind only), so that babies do not feel comfortable (kolik).
We should have a good hold is not green, but yellow, green, yellow and green, alternately. "This means that breastfed babies get the complete, from foremilk to hindmilk complete nutrient value to the content. Now, the mother must strive to get the baby foremilk and hindmilk at once."
Unfortunately, in addition to breastfeeding, mothers also often provide additional milk formula. Before the process menyusunya reached hindmilk, his children were given milk formula to expire. As a result, he only received breastmilk only foremilk.
Waldi suggest, "Give exclusively breastfed. Improve Management to develop a baby can get foremilk and hindmilk." Kiatnya easy; susui baby with one breast to breastfeeding out there, a new move to the next bust.
Red dirt on the baby can be due to accompany a drop of blood. However, the doctor will see, whether it is caused red blood from the body itself or from his mother.
If the baby suck the blood of the mother was in the process of childbirth, in the fesesnya will be found that is a black spot of blood.
Generally, it appears spot for one to three days. "So, be it live, originally from where? From the blood of the mother or the baby's blood." When blood is still appearing on fesesnya (can be liquid or clotted), and it is not derived from maternal blood, the need to be examined further. Only two probable, that is allergic to milk formula if the baby has been acquired, and the stoppage in the intestine called the
invaginasi. Both need treatment. If it invaginasi, the baby must be immediately operated.
"Blood is rarely comes from dysentery amuba or basiler, because baby food,
, And not many ragamnya not eat food that dirty. "If a serious illness, usually infants also have other complaints, such as stomach bulge or strain, vomiting, fever, pain and tendentious.
The white / Keabua-abuan
Feces can serve beware immediately if a new born baby yellow or pale grayish white. Both the liquid or solid. Color white showing the most disruption risk. Can be caused by interference on a channel or a liver bile. "This means that the liquid dye can not empedunya feces, and this can not happen because of the 'red light'." Waldi assert, when the baby until the feces white, then it must also be taken to a doctor. Do not delay until probably thinking weeks because no serious problems that must be completed before the baby is three months. As a first step, doctors generally will be in the hearts and USG empedunya channel.
"What often happens, the mother brought her baby, too late. Feces To this will be changed. Even if the left, and brought a new baby to the doctor after the age of three months, when the baby is not scotfree again because generally have experienced damage hearts. options live liver transplant, which is still the treatment measures that are very expensive in
Feces can serve two infants in the first days after childbirth are usually shaped like a soggy pitch or asphalt. Substance is derived from exile digestion, which brought the baby from the womb. After that, Feces can serve baby can gather blob-like jelly, dense, seedless / seeded and can also form liquids.
Feces can serve babies that are given exclusive breastfeeding is usually not the form, such as pasta can / beige, seeds (seeded), and can also like diarrhea / liquid. Feces can serve while baby milk formula given the solid form, clotted-cob or slightly viscous and merongkol / round. Its not that baby milk formula, sometimes like bebelan (difficult to defecate, Red), while that does not get breastmilk.
When the baby is drinking formula milk to liquid form Feces can serve, it should be suspected. "But the baby allergic to milk or formula that dikonsumsinya milk was contaminated, which disrupt the intestinal bacteria."
Difficulty to detect normal Feces can serve will not happen if mothers breastfed, which gives all-cross formula milk. For example, it is difficult to determine whether Feces can serve the liquid / diarrhea that comes from breastmilk or formula milk.
"If I drink because mencretnya breastfeeding, normal-normal pencernaannya only because the system is not perfect. Fixed susui baby so he did not experience dehydration. Mencretnya But when accompanied by complaints of fever, vomiting, or other complaints, and the number is and how many, it means there are problems with the baby. He should be immediately taken to the doctor.
Problems often worrisome frequency of the mother, because of the frequency CHAPTER baby is not the same with adults. If the mother may be only once a day, so if their children to
times a day, this is to create panic. "
The frequency CHAPTER each baby is different. In fact, the same baby, the frequency of its Section will be different this week and in future weeks.
"That's because the baby has not been found that fit the pattern. Generally, in the four or
The first week, the day may be more than
times or six times. Baseball problem, for good growth. "
Babies who drink exclusive breastfeeding, and vice versa can not CHAPTER for two to four days. Can even seven days once. It means not experiencing interference constipation, but it can only because there is no food waste that must be removed. Everything can be absorbed properly. Feces can serve out after it must also remain normal, such as pasta. No liquid with many mucus, or smelly and accompanied by fever and decrease the weight of the baby.
"So the important see growth, whether the children are not fussy, and good drink. If not three days CHAPTER, and the baby anteng-anteng course, it may be premature CHAPTER

How to Set Schedule Giving In Infant Milk

What is the schedule must be regular or flexible?
past decade has scheduled a special baby to drink and eat very regularly, once every 4 hours, because when it is suspected that complaints of diarrhea is the baby suffered as a result of drinking the schedule is not regular. Tenyata but these are not baseless, because if the baby proved not to drink it regularly does not cause diarrhea. Based on the research, they found that the results of diarrhea caused by the quality of milk given to less well.
Some babies born with the stomach smaller, so that can only be filled only a small amount of milk. So, 4 hours before the stomach is empty and the baby and felt hungry. Also, babies who slept during suckle the baby or the baby-inflammable kolik (pain in the stomach), can not drink much. If the rules applied in strict schedule babies is the time to drink before they have been crying hard, even cry and cry because of hunger. This bring difficulties for parents of infants and even for the baby themselves. Then conducted trials that give parents the freedom to drink on the baby every time the baby crying from hunger. However, as a result is very satisfying! The babies are not fed regularly is finally able to own a regular schedule, in accordance with their own needs.
First day, he got up 2 - 2 ½ hours at a time so that should be drinking almost 10 times a day. This lasts for the first 2 weeks. After that, he only drink 6-7 times a day, not only with the distance he teratur.Tetapi after 10 weeks of age, she was able to set their own schedule. He requested a drink 6 times a day with regular, that is almost an average of 4 hours once. This is commonly called self-demand, the baby needs a drink and set your own schedule. With patience, you must successfully manage the schedule of regular and flexible for the baby.
How to determine the schedule drink baby?
The main factor here is that babies have a tendency feel hungry at certain hours. Along with the increased size of the baby, and then lapse into any long-term. Infants with the weight of 2 ½ - 3 kilograms need to drink at 3 hours, while the baby with a heavy 3 ½ - 4 kg can drink 4 hours once. Generally, infants feel hungry again for about 1 hour before schedule drink, when he was drinking bottles of milk and 2 hours if it can be breastfed. Maybe he made more than 1 hour before, you do not need to hastily built drink. Because it is not certain, he hungry or not. But I cry during his 10-15 minutes immediately gave it a drink because he is surely feel hungry. In the months the first and second, he may wake up every morning to 02.00 hours of drinking. The instructions given above can also be used for babies who are often nervous, reluctant to drink a lot or if breastfeeding is not sufficient. This habit can be lost when a baby enters the age of 2-3 months. In terms of nutrition, infants with 4 kg of weight gain drink in the day, then no longer need to drink at 02.00. Unutk babies are always awake at 02.00 as they raised a little late from 22:00 hours, so they do not wake up at 02.00. Am the next day and a new, he was given a drink again.


The level of consumption Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA), which will endanger excessive body metabolism. For the body of work that had burdened more heavily to remove the essential fatty acid.
Disease specialist Dr. children. Utami Roesli MBA, cite the results of studies conducted in Australia, the United States and Europe, that in the three countries of this region, has not produced the effectiveness of the addition of DHA in milk products and baby food and children, including for pregnant mothers. "So there has been no suggestion to add elements linoleat acid and acid linolenat it into the milk," he said to the media yesterday in
. Further emphasized, as well as fat milk cow, the DHA Feed page. is not a bunch of chain length, so it is still difficult absorbed by the baby's digestion.
Furthermore, he said, because the milk will be consumed this should be made by using hot water to experience the warming process. As a result, the desaturase enzyme activity and facilitate the establishment of the elongase that DHA in the body automatically destroyed. Therefore, Utami, a specialist milk (breastmilk) to remind people, especially the mother of the nation, lest the affected ad milk and food that contains the assistant breastfeeding with DHA It is vital It is vital to improve the intelligence of infants. "Essential fat acid is thus quite contained in breastfeeding, even elements of DHA is quite a long chain of ties is very easy digestion absorbed baby," he said. Therefore, he suggested that breastfed infants since given birth to age 4 months, because the fatty acid breastfeeding also consists of acid arakidonat.
"This means, the content exceeds the elements linoleat acid and acid linolenat."
After four months, he said, the baby can be given
which also contains linoleat acid and acid linolenat because the fat ties, including a long chain. Utami explains, after reaching the age of six months, babies can also be given fish, which naturally contains the second fatty acid, without the need to consume milk formula.
Chairman of the Board Increased use of breastmilk Saint Carolus Hospital recognizes this, slogan "Four Perfect Healthy Five" since the first valid votes have been misleading the public. "People think food consumption per day is not yet perfect day if not drinking milk. Milk does not mean not important, but not all cake," he asserted again.
He even see the ad milk and baby food and children, who tend to be implemented with DHA following misleading, because producers take advantage of consumer ignorance is indeed not understand the benefits of these additional elements. Meanwhile, the specialist in nutrition
general public still expressed the content of DHA in milk. Because until this far, have not been done research on the benefits.
Soebagyo Sumodihardjo MSc doctors, nutrition experts from the Medical Faculty of Nutrition Science University
, Revealed a new side to know it from the media
. When the media found after the opening of the workshop on "Improving Equity and Utilization of Labor Education Graduates in the Health Sector Non-Department of Health and Social an" in Jakarta yesterday, he asked not willing to comment. "I mengkliping new and have not read the literature," he said. He promised to tell this week and then after all the information gathered from various sources.
Child specialist Dr. Sri S. Nasar inform you that the previous summer DHA in humans, as far as this new look experienced people to consume more Eskimoan the fish. It is said that symptoms such as bleeding, similar Rhodri Morgan Rhodri Morgan kebiruan in skin color. "The effect of other new and monkeys found in the mice, but different symptoms"

13 Important Things When Caring for Infants

Caring for babies is not easy. Here are some things that parents can be related to efforts to treat the baby, so that the process of growing kembangnya running optimally.
1. Place the baby in the chest at birth
According to Dr. Hardiono Pusponegoro, Sp.A (K), a new born baby should immediately be put in the mother's chest. "Do not wherefore first," said a doctor from the Clinic How this. In the video, which was presented by a lactation consultant, Dr. Utami Roesli, Sp.A (K), ICBLC, the baby will find the nipple mother shortly after birth and placed in the chest. At that time, the baby will suck up breastfeeding even though breastfeeding is not yet out. Suction the baby would stimulate the production of breastmilk. Babies are not breastfed reversals in the first 30 minutes after birth, menyusunya capacity will be down.
2. No throwing out the first breastfeeding
The yellow color out of my mind the first time can not be removed. Breastfeeding called colostrums this protein and contains immune substances (antibodies) that will protect the baby, so the stronger the disease.
3. No breastfeeding casserole
"I like milk formula, breastfeeding is never trite," said Dr. Caroline Mulawi, Sp.A (K). The mother because the case can not breastfeed her baby in some time, need not hesitate to breastfeed her baby again. The quality of breastmilk provided at the time as well as the first exit.
4. Infants who were given breastmilk more easily hungry
The nature of breastfeeding easy to make babies faster hungry. Babies who are breastfed get drunk more often about 1-3 hours at a time. When the weight babies given breastmilk continues to increase, a sign the baby is enough to get food. Do not give solid food prematurely, not to cause sumbatan in the intestine that could be fatal. Baby's digestive system is not perfect it until the age of 4 months.
5. Do not boil breastfeeding saved
Working mothers breastfeeding can rack and store in a sterile bottle. Each vial that breastfeeding should be written the date and hour extortion. Breastfeeding stored in a freezer can hold between 2 weeks to 4 months. At room temperature breastfeeding during 4-8 hours, while in the refrigerator to survive about 24-48 hours.
Giving breastfeeding is done with the method first in first out. Breastfeeding incoming refrigerators or freezers first, that should come out first. When would be given, breastfeeding should not be heated by microwave heating or because the substances contained in breastmilk can be damaged. To my mind, which is in the refrigerator, should rendam bottles in the vessel containing warm water until breastfeeding is not cold anymore. Given the new baby.
Meanwhile, for breastfeeding stored in freezers, should be moved first to the refrigerator to thaw. Once it into the new vessel containing the hot water.
6. Baby crying
Crying is a baby how to communicate with the people around him.
Babies cry not only because of hunger. Can be as wet as a result of popoknya urinate or defecate. It is also because the position of the Word that is not true, so do not get breastmilk in the right amount.
Cry baby, according to Dr. Caroline from the Omni Medical Center Hospital, also it can be a pain. In the first 2-3 months, for example, babies often suffer from colic kolik or unknown causes. "Usually the symptoms diminish after the age of three months," he said. Can also cry because of a fever. If that happens, immediately take the baby to the doctor.
Crying is a baby can be a way to attract the attention of other people, especially mother and his father. Maybe he wants to get the embrace and affection from parents. Parents should not let the baby cry too long because the baby will be tired and ability menyusunya reduced. The mother can also be frustrated and peeved, so the result can be bad for the psychological development of infants.
When the baby crying, the mother or father can hold and while menimangnya hum, put the baby in the car, then call the streets outside the room, or putarkan soft music. If the mother is tired, nurse or ask other people to help hold the baby. For, increasingly fretful danfrustrasi the mother, the baby will be more restless and cry more.
7. Buckle baby
Until now, still sounds mistaken perception, so the suggestion not to appear frequently carrying a baby. Worries later "the smell of hand" and be spoiled infants. This is not true. Thus many research revealed, a baby get the immediate attention after crying, either with or ditimang is approached, will grow into a strong personal emotional. He later became the independent and more confident.
Conversely, babies who do not get the attention and kept crying for too long, while adults will be less independent private, doubter, or do not have confidence that strong.
8. Compress warm water
Provide drinking more often is very helpful to reduce fever, plus medicine for a fever. To compress better if the baby with warm water.
Dr. explained. Caroline, some research shows, warm compress more beneficial in lowering fever compress than cold water.
Mengompres Do not worry because the alcohol poisoning. If the fever still
and the high increases immediately take the baby to the doctor.
9. Babies often defecate
Infants who have breastfed initially fesesnya tend to be rather like seeds and liquid-seed. Frequency can be 4-6 times a day. However, at the age of 1-2 months, rekuensinya can be reduced to 4-6 days once. No need to worry these conditions will remain calm for the baby, not fussy, is not recognized, no vomiting continuously, and Feces can serve not hard. This condition is due to breastfeeding more absorbed intestine and take longer to be as Feces can serve.
Feces can serve infants aged 2-3 months will start berampas. Just above the age of 4 months, Feces can serve began to form. It is important, added Dr. Caroline, Feces can serve baby does not change the form of a liquid without grounds or accompanied by blood. When this occurs, the baby should be immediately taken to the doctor. Similarly, when the baby is not more than 6 CHAPTER day.
10. Consider this small
In the age of two months, babies can respond properly when the talk by the mother or the father. In the age of three months, while the second hand baby lifted slowly picked up to join the body, must take up the neck. "When the neck of not picked up the baby must have suspected the existence of ketidaknormalan," said Dr. Hardiono. At the age of three months a baby is not clench hands. When at the age of 4 months, babies still clench hands, 90 percent indicate the existence of the problem.
Autis classic symptoms can also be seen from this small. For example, did not respond when the baby talk, like the flail head, the size of the head tend to be larger, batita reverse the car-play tires and mobilan up to him, and preoccupied with their own world. Autis occur because of a lack of serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain. If known, and since early diterapi, under the age of 2 years, the result will be good. Will be more difficult when it is known in the new age 5, because the nerve cells have not grown longer.
11. Weight should be increased
Infants should be monitored body weight, body height, and head circumference. Results can be watched compared with relatives home at the age of the same child or other contemporaneous. Infants who do not need to remain skinny feared for weight continues to rise. Posturnya may be small indeed. Will be a problem if the weight of the baby does not rise and cut two lines percentile in the cards Towards Healthy (KMS). That can be an indication of the problem or the illness of infants, for example, the condition of malnutrition.
12. I always have to doctor
Parents, said Dr.. Hardiono, often carry the baby to the doctor when experiencing mild disease. Infant cough, runny nose, or mild diarrhea, not to be taken to the doctor. "Because 60-80 percent of the pain that occurs in infants and children can recover. Also, I should always be treated with antibiotics only if the cough-cold normal," he said.
13. Appropriate immunization schedule
Immunization is required to provide immunity for the baby. With immunization, 2.7 percent per year of death can be prevented. Some important diseases can be prevented through immunization, such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, meningitis, pneumonia, Hib, and hepatitis. So far, said Dr. Hardiono, pneumonia caused the death of children most in the world, followed by AIDS, diarrhea, tuberculosis, malaria and measles.
Basic vaccine given to infants is DPT, polio, hepatitis, Hib, measles and BCG. Range vaccination time is two months due to further enhance immunity. Effect of basic vaccines, such as high fever, convulsions, swelling and shock, is still a source of concern for parents.
Currently there is a combination vaccine 5 in 1, namely diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and Hib. Vaccine injection in combination to reduce the infant. With the combination vaccine infants rarely fever, if fever is not too high, rarely swelling, convulsions and even reduced. No need to worry, the new vaccine is currently not contain mercury.


So how to recognize pain in the baby if not appear fever?
"Indeed, all children, not with the exception of infants, have a sensor or the ability to increase body temperature as a reaction against the disease due to bacteria or virus that attacks the body," said dr. Zakiudin Munasir, SpA (K) from the Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUPN,
. However, he continued, often in babies, especially babies under the age of 3 months, do not show symptoms of body temperature rise. Even if the actual body of the baby are in the battle against bacteria or virus attacks. "This is because the heat sensor system in the body of a baby not yet perfect. So, even if the disease is present in the body of a baby or small it is experiencing dehydration, but because the chip or central brain do not receive a signal action, automatically, the small body that does not let himself is in danger, "said Zakiudin.
Thank-thank "soldiers" in the body of a small can win the fight against "foreign beings" that can merugikannya it. So even though I be, I can stay healthy and things do not happen that desired. However, if that happens vice versa, we often kecolongan. "When you come control, the illness is severe the baby. Because the parents assume, for a baby is not hot, yes, no pain. Not like eating is considered normal, also name the baby. Should not be the case."
Put your baby
Therefore, anjur Zakiudin, in caring for babies, parents should not only know the alias thermometers are not the fever. Parents should be able to identify the baby.
For that, parents need to make the following observations:
1. Is the day I drink it still breastfeeding, such as day-to-day yesterday?
2. Is the appetite for food (food-breastfeeding assistant) is still high as the previous day?
3. Are the small cerewetnya not changed alias is not a sudden become withdrawn?
4. What is the highlight eyes remain sharp and nippy?
5. What is still active and frisky in the move?
6. Is the baby no physical changes or there is something awkward (as)?
7. CHAPTER whether BAK and normal and smooth?
Now, if the answers appear from the results of our observation is kebalikannya, "Do not wait for tomorrow, or 'ceremony' this-is. When it's heady take to the doctor or the hospital even if the baby does not have a fever!" Zakiudin firmly.
Indeed, be it the small decline because of the take. "But if parents can check to sedetail it? Thus, the condition of children severe increasing diagnosis and parents working, why not better handled by experts only?"
Physiological PENGOBATAN
Conversely, if I remain active, vivacious, good appetite, drinking milk okay, good physical condition, defecate and small current, but his body temperature rose more than C 37.50, according to Zakiudin, parents can do the actions to it yourself at home in physiological, namely:
1. Provide flexibility of the small body temperature to be bersirkulasi well. Avoid the imposition of a blanket or overcoat. Even if only a small telanjangi. Very air we can activate. Thus, the introduction of the air can provide greater flexibility for body heat to exit.
2. Give drink a lot. With this method is expected to be a small number of BAK, so it can help smooth the circulation body temperature.
3. Make a warm compress water. According to the results of the latest research and discoveries in the medical world, the water warm compress best in the area of the body easily exposed, such as chest, stomach or forehead. Thus the blood vessels widen, and this will certainly facilitate and expedite the circulation temperature
body. Should not mengompres blood vessels in the area because of the blood vessel does not widen again, in the armpit, and as, for example.
"Indeed there is a presumption compress with cold water until pengompresan done in the area that many blood vessels, but the way it is not valid anymore," said Zakiudin. Compress with cold water seemed out about thanks to the blood vessels and can occur victimization body. That is, indeed compress cold water can cool body temperature, but it is only a few minutes only. "Even after that could be the child's body temperature is hot, because the body temperature sensor in the brain will increase body heat. Unlike if compress with warm water, sensors will tell the body to lower body temperature."
Now, with this physiological treatment, further Zakiudin, defense terstimulasi baby's body will become stronger. But remember, the way it was not for the small to cramp! "If I had cramps, no other words, try not bitten tongue, baby, and then also take to the doctor," anjurnya.
A febrifuge
If the handling of physiological body temperature was never down or recover in 1 × 24 hours, be it hot body is so small because of factors nonfisiologis. Handling that parents should do is:
1. Fixed handling of the physiological run.
2. Give febrifuge. If no calm after the drugs were given, or heat up again after the lapse of 2 hours drinking drugs, or added high heat, and the fussy child, refused food and drink, "larikan trek to the doctor. Then the doctor will find the cause for treatment," said Zakiudin.
3. Conversely, if the baby tends to improve, "Parents can see its development up to two days ahead." If the characteristics do not improve with hot or fade decreased, activity to eat and drink again as the original, She. But if the third day the baby back to decrease heat and turner, the trek to the doctor.
In connection with the handling of fever in infants, the Zakiudin encourage parents to always provide a thermometer, which absorb perspiration and does not stifling, thermos hot and cold water, and medicine for fever.
To febrifuge we can provide the drugs from the group parasetamol and ibuprofen. "These drugs are relatively safe drugs as a first down at the baby fever." Who need to know, just parasetamol capable and effective in lowering the body temperature normal or not too high, 38-390 C. While ibuprofen powerful lower body heat to high. "But they only have the ability to keep body heat for 8 hours."
If I can not consume or hard drugs through the mouth, "Parents can provide at home febrifuge inserted through the anus." Thus drugs such as this is the power that works faster because it is more easily absorbed by the body. But remember, to be with the knowledge of doctors.
We can only provide 3 three types of drugs in the house. However, that should be remembered, Zakiudin said, "Parents can not believe the baby is then recover, albeit hot body down after drinking medicine." Not to recover the new baby can be seen if not given the drug the normal body temperature, keep clean, keep active, eat, drink and more normal.
When I have a fever / hot almost every week, obviously not reasonable. "This should be checked more thoroughly." Not close the possibility, the body is not immune either. Because the fair, fever occurs in infants 2 months at most 1 or once a month, during a healthy environment.
According to Zakiudin, fever can be due to physiological factors, or the result of factors.
1. Fever because of physiological factors
Heat or fever occur, which is the body's reaction against germs that attack. Thus, the body heat of the small signs that the immunity system of the body are working to kill diseases that come. "So, if the body of the child or the new baby was 38 degrees Celsius and not fussy, not better given medicine for fever. Leave it alone, with a body temperature because certain diseases that can attack the dead."
In the human brain, including babies, have the sensor / center temperature regulator. Because this is why our body temperature is not affected by the environment, alias can adapt. Contrasting with the fish, if the cold water temperature, the body cold, and if the water in a hot body temperature is hot.
So, hot body child / baby, which increased the condition may be caused by environmental temperature is too cold. "Because of that body temperature at night tend to be more hot."
2. Because of fever due to factors
* Due to infection
When immunity to work to fight bacteria, he issued a substance-specific substances that stimulate the body to be increased heat. Likewise, the body's immunity whenever the child / baby lose, he will megeluarkan certain substances that stimulate the rise of body temperature. Conversely, the bacteria die by the body's immunity will be removing certain substances that stimulate the body temperature rise.
Usually, the body heat or fever because this is the factor that could touch menghawatirkan levels, above 39 degrees Celsius, can even above 40 degrees Celsius. "Well, here generally if the child does not have a strong history or convulsions, he will be even." Therefore, further Zakiudin, if the high heat necessary given medicine for fever.
* Due to dehydration or less liquid
Children / babies who have diarrhea, drink less, to a lack of body fluids can also have a fever. "Characteristics, the most high body temperature 380 C." Other Features: diarrhea, diarrhea, often CHAPTER, loyo, weak, pooped, and spiritless.
If dehidrasinya complemented other complications, like any virus attack, the body temperature will be clearly much higher. Can only touch the level above 400 C.
Dealing KEJANG
If children have a history of convulsions, Zakiudin message, do not wait hinga three days. Heady seconds also take to the doctor. Except when we have the medicine for hot doctor from existing drugs antikejang, "Parents can be a little relieved because it could bring the child to the doctor some time later after drinking the medicine."
Handling the first parents can do is:
1. Open all garments to facilitate the circulation of body heat child / baby.
2. Be careful, do not ban until the tongue bitten. How, dental wedge child / baby with the object that is not dangerous.
3. Give drug antikejang / use the heat through the anus.

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